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The pitch of the person's voice makes no difference in the timing of it breaking. The voice changing is completely dependnt on the hormonal changes during puberty.

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Q: Does your voice break sooner if it is higher or lower?
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Does a woman's voice get higher or lower as she gets older?

A women's Voice gets lower. Just not as low as a man's voice.

In your voice if amplitude coresponds to loudness means then what frequency corresponds?

Frequency corresponds to the 'pitch' of the voice. The sounds in a little girl's voice have higher frequencies than the sounds in an adult man's voice. And the sound of a whistle has a higher frequency than the sound of a tuba or foghorn.

What does your voice sound like when it breaks because my voice sounds really crackly recently but it doesnt get higher pitched or lower pitched as i talk but it has got lower overall?

During puberty the voice cracks many times when talking or screaming. Your voice will lower little by little over the years.

Does a baby's voice have a lower frequency?

Yes, a baby's voice tends to have a higher frequency compared to an adult's voice. As the vocal cords mature and lengthen during childhood and adolescence, the pitch of the voice lowers.

Does Keha use auto-tune when she sings her songs?

yes. because in her songs she has to edit her voice so her voice can get higher or lower than it already is.

What is a voice above baritone?

Baritone is the middle range for men's voices. Tenors are higher and basses are lower.

How do you speak like an old person?

you either higher or lower your voice (whichever is better for the character) and you make your voice sound very airy. :) good luck!

When you are singing and you get higher up on the scale your voice gets airy how do you stop it?

well, you could just keep the tone exept give your voice a lower volume

I can hit all the notes singing I just want to know how to get a better voice?

Practice and try to hit lower and higher pitches then you'll get a better voice for pitch. It is great for a better voice!

How do you make your voice break?

To make your voice break, you can try speaking in a higher pitch and then suddenly transitioning to a lower pitch. This sudden shift can cause your vocal cords to momentarily lose control, resulting in your voice breaking or cracking. It's important to practice this technique carefully to avoid strain on your vocal cords.

What are the names of the artists in blink 182?

guitarist/singer:Tom Delong-higher voice bass/singer:Marc Hoppus-lower voice drums:Travis Barker former drumer: Scott Raynor

your voice?

If you want to know if you are a low singer or a high singer usually you are better at singing higher or lower so that is how you can tell.