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I have been taking Yaz for about a year now, and I haven't noticed any difference in my acne at all. I started taking it with Accutane, and while the Accutane helped my acne significantly, I still have mild breakouts, and the Yaz does nothing about them.

I also think you might need to know what my doctor told me last week. Apparently, Yaz is under scrutiney for it's semi-dangeous side effects. Mainly, the dosage of preogesterone causes you to you retain postassium, which is really bad for your heart, and it causes a lot of intense emotional side effects. This pill also apparently decreases your libido, if that matters to you. My doctor was so concerned he changed me to a different pill, called Loestrin Fe. It's supposed to do all the same that Yaz promises, including clearer skin, without the side effects.

I have noticed a few of the emotional side effects and I decided it would be good to get off Yaz, to see if it changes. I am also concerned about the potassium. That's really not good for you.

I think you should be able to find another low dose birth controll pill that doesn't have the side effects Yaz does. My sister takes Loestrin and says it works great for her skin.

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Q: Does yaz help acne
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