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There is research on whether or not xylitol can prevent dental caries. From everything that I have read it can help prevent dental caries especially if you chew gum that contains xylitol. Check out They have products that contain xylitol.

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Q: Does xylitol prevent dental caries
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What does dental caries mean?

Dental caries are better known as tooth decay or cavities. It is a common dental condition that occurs when bacteria in the mouth produce acids that damage the tooth enamel, leading to the formation of holes or cavities in the teeth. It is important to prevent and treat dental caries to maintain good oral health.

What is the best way to prevent dental caries?

The best way to prevent dental caries by just taking care of your teeth. Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss and use mouthwash regularly especially after eating.

How do you diagnose recurrent dental caries?

Recurrent dental caries is defined as caries which occurs at or adjacent to a surface of the tooth where dental caries had previously occurred and had been repaired.Recurrent dental caries is diagnosed like any other caries; through visual, tactile, or radiographic exam.

What is arrested caries?

"Caries" is a synonym for dental cavities. Arrested caries are cavities that have been stopped from developing further by having the appropriate dental work done on them.

What has the author Mary Oakes McClain written?

Mary Oakes McClain has written: 'The role of nutrition in dental caries' -- subject(s): Dental caries, Diseases, Nutritional aspects, Nutritional aspects of Dental caries, Teeth

What is a dental carry?

Dental Caries is just a plain ole cavity.

How does limiting bedtime snack prevent dental caries?

Well you have to eat healthy in order to prevent dental caries. If you eat too much candy and junk food, cavities may form. The best way to prevent them is to brush your teeth, floss them, and if you wear braces or rubber bands, make sure you don't eat anything hard or sticky. Here is the secret, dental caries build up at night so might as well brush your teeth at night. Having a limiting bedtime snack can help by planning what foods are good for you!!

What 3 components are necessary for dental caries?

Three components necessary for dental caries (tooth decay) are:1. A susceptible tooth2. Cariogenic bacteria capable of converting carbohydrates into acids3. CarbohydratesEliminate any one of the three and dental caries will not occur.

What is dental caries history?

the mutants bacteria are very busy they produce adhesin glucossyltransferases ,and glucans can you explain how each of these contributes to the creation of dental caries?

Whether or not a food is likely to result in dental caries depends on all what except?

Foods are not the cause of dental caries. Cleaning the teeth after foods have been consumed is the key to preventing dental caries. While foods high in sugar can contribute, keeping the teeth clean is vital.

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What pathogen causes dental caries?

s. mutans