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In some cases working out when you are sick makes you feel better, but in other cases, it would not.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

It doesn't help the cold to work out, that is for sure. Working out uses energy that your body otherwise would use to fight the germs.

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Q: Does working out when you are sick make you feel better?
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You shouldn't feel sick after working out, tired stiff are possibilities , if you are really un fit or have just eaten you may feel nauseous (like throwing up) but you should not feel sick at least not regularly, I recommend seeing a doctor.

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it will make you feel hot when it's working, but if start to feel sick drink something with vitamin D. like milk.

Iv been feeling sick a lot im never sick but feel that if you were sick i would feel better everything elce is normal help?

well first hello! when you feel sick your bady is trying to get rid of something this might be anything. if you are sick then you will defantly feel better as you have got rid of the thing that was making you feel unwell, as it is no longer there! you now the old saying better out then in !!!!

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You give them a bowl or a bag and then try to make them sit down then the sick may come out and they will feel better... If they are sick on a carpet then use stain remover or bleach...

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no really i thought it would make me feel better ding bat