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It depends on the babies position and health. Most multiple pregnancy is delivered by c-section.

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Q: Does twins need to be delivered by c section?
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Can you have twins vaginally?

Yes. Twins can be delivered vaginally and some have even been delivered non medicated. C-sections are only required if the babies are breech or if there is a problem with the babies not being able to stand the stress of being delivered or any other reason that a singleton would be delivered by c-section.

What are some recommendations for giving birth to twins?

Most twins are delivered a few weeks early. This seems to be better for their health and their mother's health. This can either be achieved by inducing labour or through extraction through C-section.

How is fraternal twins are born?

Through the vagina, unless they do it by c-section.

Can twins be born 12 seconds apart?

Yes, usually with a C- Section.

Can you have your tubes tied right after a c section?

yes you can, but i wouldn't I had a c- section after I had my twins and I've had problems every since (Google -bleeding after tubal ligation)

Can twins be born naturally?

Yes a C-section is only needed in special circumstances

Who was born first Derek or his sister?

my sister was. we're twins, but i had to be removed by c-section.

Did Kate Gosselin have her kids naturally?

No, Kate Gosselin got pregnant with the assistance of fertility treatments. The twins were born vaginally, and the sextuplets were born via cesarean section.

How were breech babies delivered before scientists discovered the C section?

Breech babies (babies born feet or bottom first) were and still are (in some areas) delivered vaginally. There are risks to delivering a breech baby vaginally though and so a C Section is usually recommended.

What happens if a British queen gives birth to a pair of conjoined twins Who gets to be king?

Since this has never happened, and the odds are astronomically low, we can only speculate. There is no clear mention of this in British law. Here is my opinion.:One twin is usually delivered first, even with conjoined twins. If the twins are removed by C-section with no clear "first" or "second," then the twin who was labeled A during the pregnancy would likely be the heir apparent.

What if you have tubal pregnancy?

You'll need a c-section.

When Celine Dion gave birth to twins?

October 23, 2010 at 11:11 am and 11:12 am by c-section in Florida