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No. The Kegel exercises are designed for toning and tightening the PC muscles, the supporting muscles of the pelvic floor, aka the pubococcygeus muscles. The exercises involve the contracting and releasing of these pelvic floor muscles in a controlled way. The large muscle groups that are exercised with jumping and trampolining do not exercise the PC muscles. So, unless you at the same time clench the muscles that you clamp to "hold it in" (like when you have to urinate) while you jump on the trampoline, you will not be doing any exercise of the muscles involved in Kegel exercises. There are no muscles called the Kegel muscles. See the related questions for more details.

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Q: Does trampolining exercise the Kegel muscles?
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Is there any exercise to strengthen the vaginal muscles especially the medio to deep portion perspective?

Look up Kegel Exercises.

What are the benefits of kegel exercises?

Kegel exercises are beneficial in that they help control the muscles which control ones bladder. Women who are pregnant often do kegel exercises to help strengthen their pelvic muscles.

How do you do kegal exercise for man?

Kegel exercises are ones that are done in order to strengthen the bladder and pelvic area. The best way to do them is to use a pelvic toning device which is held between the thighs. The device is repeatedly squeezed to contract the pelvic muscles.

What is the Kegel exercise for a dropped uterus?

Mild conditions of dropped uterus, aka Uterine Prolapse, can be helped by doing Kegel exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor and vagina. Sometimes these conditions require surgical correction, however. The Kegel exercises are the same regardless of the condition being treated. See the related questions below for information and links about Kegel exercises and how to do them.

What are kegel excersice?

Kegel exercise is vaginal exercises! Helps the vaginal wall/cervix strengthen after childbirth.

What is the purpose of a kegel exerciser?

Keeping up with the kegel can be quite important. This exercise can help women with bladder issues, childbirth and orgasms.

Why do you need muscular endurance in trampolining?

because you are using your muscles by jumping and you are doing it constantly

How can vaginal muscles be strengthened?

Vaginal muscles can be strengthened through pelvic floor exercises, also known as Kegel exercises. These exercises involve contracting and relaxing the muscles of the pelvic floor to improve muscle tone and control. Regular practice of Kegel exercises can help improve bladder control, sexual function, and overall pelvic health.

What is the benefit of the kegel exercise?

Kegel exercises, also known as pelvic floor exercises, strengthen some of the muscles that control the flow of urine. Therefore these exercises help to prevent pelvic floor weakness, which could lead to stress incontinence or uterine prolapse.

What exercise are fifty percent of women doing?

If they're smart, Kegel exercises.

Why might a woman practice her Kegel exercises?

Kegel exercises are practised by women who suffer from pelvic floor problems such as urinary incontinence or inability to achieve orgasm. Tightening and loosening the muscles rhythmically can strengthen the muscles and alleviate symptoms.

What exercises are best to strengthen each of the particular muscles used when trampolining?

The Bannana split