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Q: Does this hormone promote bone growth or bone thinning?
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Which hormone is important for bone growth during infancy and childhood?

Growth hormone is the hormone that stimulates bone and muscle growth. It is made in the pituitary gland. It is also known as somatotropin. Growth hormone is responsible for the increase in height in children and adolescents. It also increases bone density and muscle mass, and stimulates organ growth.

What hormone is the most important stimulus of epiphyseal plate activity?

The growth hormone is the most important stimulus of epiphyseal plate activity, as it is responsible for stimulating the growth of bones during childhood and adolescence. It acts on the epiphyseal plates to promote bone growth and elongation.

What hormones promote bone and muscle healing?

Hormones like growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), and testosterone play a significant role in promoting bone and muscle healing. They support tissue repair, growth, and regeneration by stimulating protein synthesis, increasing bone density, and promoting muscle growth. Additionally, estrogen and parathyroid hormone also contribute to bone health and repair.

What is Somatomedin C?

Somatomedin C is a hormone produced in the liver that increases bone growth when growth hormone is present

What will a deficiency in growth hormone cause?

In bone formation, a deficiency of growth hormone will cause DECREASED PROLIFERATION OF THE EPIPHYSEAL PLATE CARTILAGE.

What hormone play a role in bone growth and maintenance?


What hormone acts primarily on skeletal muscle and bone tissue?


What stimulates bone growth?

Bone growth is stimulated by various factors including physical activity, proper nutrition (especially calcium and vitamin D), and certain hormones like growth hormone and estrogen. Weight-bearing exercises and resistance training help promote bone density and strength by putting stress on the bones. Additionally, adequate rest and recovery time are essential for bone remodeling and growth.

What hormone causes long bone growth?

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What is the process of long bone growth controlled by?

Long bone growth is primarily controlled by a combination of growth hormone, thyroid hormones, and sex hormones. Growth hormone stimulates bone and cartilage growth, while thyroid hormones regulate overall metabolism which affects bone growth. Sex hormones, such as estrogen and testosterone, play a role in the final stages of bone growth during puberty.

What gland secretes a growth hormone which stimulates growth of bone and muscle?

Pituitary gland that is also known as a master gland of endocrine system secrets and stores growth hormone. The thyroid gland helps with growth and development.

What can a deficiency of growth hormone during bone formation cause?

Decreased proliferation of the epiphyseal plate cartilage