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Q: Does the idea of Black Caucasians proofs there were black-skinned Europeans?
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Did the black death kill only blacks?

No..Most of the people killed were Europeans, Caucasians, in fact.

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What makes caucasians unique?

they aren't black

What is the most popular hair colour?

black because white and black people have black hair The most common hair colour is black. Nearly all Asians and Africans have black hair, there alone accounts for 49% of the Earth's population, or about 3,000,000,000 people. Black hair is also quite common in Caucasians. About 30% of Europeans have black hair, and about 60% of Hispanics. Nearly all Middle Eastern and Indians have black hair as well. So adding those all together, roughly 60% of all Caucasians have black hair.

The people from Tunisia North Africa are black Arabs or white?

They are Caucasians (whites), the majority of them are Arabs and Berbers, who are whites or Caucasians

Is it possible for caucasians to have naturally jet black hair?

Not too sure, but i have heard of some caucasians being born with jet black hair and blue eyes. Haven't seen it for myself though

Can caucasians have black children?

If the DADDY is black, yes other than that two WHITE parents can NEVER have a chocolated baby!

Why do only white people get cystic fibrosis?

Most white Europeans do not get cystic fibrosis. There is, however, a greater occurence of the recessive gene responsible for cystic fibrosis in Caucasians and Ashkanezi Jews than other races.

What distinguishes hair most Caucasians have from hair most black people have?

Most Caucasians have hair that grows downward and is often straight; most blacks have hair that grows upwards and out, and is often more tightly curled.

Why did the Europeans name this disease the black death?

The Europeans named this diesease the black death because of the black buboes appearing under your arms and between your legs these were of a black colour and the size of an onion their feces were black and explosive

What did Europeans do to black slaves?

the europeans killed and hit them like ANIMALS!!thats so MEAN

Is anyone born with jet black hair?

yes, my mother and I have black hair...she is Sicilian. Anyone who says that caucasians can't have naturally black hair (not dyed) doesn't know what they are talking about. Hope this helps.