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There is no cherry in a vagina; there is a membrane called a hymen, and it may already be stretched or ruptured from normal activity long before the first time a girl has intercourse. Sometimes the hymen is sufficiently stretched that it allows for intercourse without any tearing at all.

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Q: Does the hymen always rupture the first time a girl has intercourse?
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You had intercourse for 1st time close to periods you got bleedin soon after intercourse is it a menstrual bleeding or it is due to rupture of hymen?

it is due to the rupture of the hymen

How do you differentiate blood due to hymen rupture and menstrual blood after first intercourse?

There is no way to tell them apart, although bleeding from hymen rupture may be very short and spotty.

Does trauma to the abdomen rupture the hymen?

No, the hymen isn't in the abdomen.

How do you break a Hyman?

there are many ways by which hymen breaks, during first intercourse, there are many ways by which hymen breaks, during first intercourse,

Can a partially torn hymen still bleed during first intercourse?

Yes, it may.

The difference in shape between the virigin hymen and the unvirgin hymen?

There is no such thing as an unvirgin hymen the hymen is broken during intercourse.

Do the speculum and fingers of gynacologist rupture the hymen in a virgin?

In most cases yes the speculum or doctors fingers will either stretch the hymen right out of the way or in some cases rupture it.

Can a menstrual clots rupture hymen?

No, menstrual clots can't rupture the hymen. Menstrual blood doesn't clot like normal blood, the larger pieces you see in menstrual flow is uterine lining. The hymen is tissue that surrounds the vaginal opening, the uterine tissue isn't even big enough to stretch the hymen let alone cause it to rupture.

Can you see bleeding at first time intercourse?

Yes, this is common because a membrane called the hymen usually breaks at first intercourse and this leads to a slight amount of bleeding.

Can a girl perform self-cunnilingus?

It depends on your precise definition of virginity. Having an intact hymen is an indication of virginity. However, the hymen can be broken by means other than sexual intercourse. By vigorous sports or masturbation for instance. That is why a broken hymen is not always an indication that a female has had sexual intercourse. Generally speaking a girl losing her virginity means having full penetrative vaginal intercourse with a male for the first time.

How hymen broke?

A hymen can accidentally break for many reasons. It is not always an indication of sexual intercourse. A hymen can break due to athletics, through the insertion of a tampon, masturbation, and other reasons.

Can your hymen break when you're younger than 5?

The hymen is a very fragile structure and any number of activities can result in a rupture.