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The answer would have to be "almost always", if there is no fever or a low grade fever, the ill person will likely be immuno-compromised (have a disorder of the immune system) or they have a common cold virus instead of a flu virus. Symptoms can often be the same, except flu almost always involves high fever and a cold does not usually cause fevers over 101F.

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It's possible but extremely unlikely ... unless you had an immune system defect.

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Q: Does the flu always come with a fever?
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Do you have the swine flu if you have a fever of 103?

Not always will you have the swine flu if you have a temperature over 101 but you should go see a doctor

Can you get Swine Flu if you come in contact with someone who had Swine Flu?

Not if they are no longer infected. If you are in contact with them after they had the flu but it has been a full 24 hours since they last had a fever without taking fever-reducing medicine, then they should no longer be able to pass the flu virus to you.

What causes the flu in your body?

flu or fever its always been a myth that fever is a bad sign infact fever is a good response its a defence mechanism of the body.whenever your body is attacked by any bacteria or virus the body responds by an increase in temperature ,which is helpful to kill the pathogen.

Can a fever from a flu shot be contagious?

If you had a flu vaccination and soon or immediately after getting it you had a mild fever and other mild flu symptoms caused by the vaccination, then the fever you have would not be due to contagious disease but, rather, due to the immune response that the vaccination caused in your body (which is how the shots give us immunity) and it would not be from infectious disease or the flu. These mild reactions to the flu shot usually only cause a low grade fever under 100F and last only a few days. However, there is also always the possibility that you actually have the flu, since it takes about two weeks to develop full immunity from an inoculation and if you caught the flu before the vaccination, it could be what is causing a fever. Use careful hand washing technique to protect others in case it is actually the flu and until you have gone 24 hours without a fever.

Is fever a symptom of meningitis?

Fever is indeed a sypmptom of meningitis. Symptoms of meningitis are very similar to the flu. They include fever, headache, vomiting, stiffness, and sleepiness. A doctor should always be consulted regarding meningitis.

Does Swine Flu hit you all of a sudden?

Yes, the fever and other symptoms of A-H1N1/09 (Swine Flu) do usually come on suddenly rather than gradually like colds.

When you have the flu does your heart rate rise?

I would think so. Fever does make your heart rate higher and with the flu comes high fever.

Achy chills high fever what do you have?


Is it possible to have Swine Flu and not have a fever?

Yes, it is.

What other diseases besides swine flu have flu-like symptoms?

the cold a fever

What are three characteristics of influenza that are not true of the common cold?

The flu has moderate to severe muscle pain, there may be vomiting, high fever and fatigue. In the early stages it can be hard to tell the difference between a cold and the flu. But when the fever and fatigue set in, you know it is the flu.

What symptoms occur with fever?

It depends on the illness you have. If you have food poisoning you will have a fever and if you have the flu you will have a fever but the rest of your symptoms will be different.