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Q: Does the fetus always come out when you have a misscarraige?
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How good is water for your fetus?

The fetus will not come in contact with our water. It floats in it's own. Your body protects it from the outside world.

When you miscarriage does anything come out?

Yes, the fetus and blood etc. Sometimes the fetus die and the cramping wont start so it has to be induced.

When is the fetus ready to leave the ovary?

Fetuses do not come from the ovaries, a female's eggs come from the ovaries. Fetuses come from the uterus.

Did chickens always have wings?

not when they are still developing as a fetus but beyond that point yes.

Where does babies com from?

Babies come from the the womens fetus when relations with a man

At what age can a baby be born a live?

Around 6 months. It differs from fetus to fetus since they might be sick or something if they come too early and how much they have developed..

What is the possessive form of fetus?

The possessive form of fetus is fetus' or fetus's

What is the minimum size of uterus that you need to carry a baby?

The uterus stretches so it will always fit the fetus.

Does a woman stomach stay big if the baby dies while pregnant?

Yes the fetus has to come out and then the belly goes back. You can't go back to be thin again if you have a fetus inside and fluid.

Fetus is a transplant of foreign tissue in the mother. However transplant is tolerated and not rejected by mother because of the following except one?

The reason a pregnant woman's body does not reject the fetus as a foreign tissue is due to the role of the placenta in shielding the fetus from the mother's immune system. Maternal immune tolerance towards the fetus is not due to the fetus having a different genetic profile.

What is the thing in Bella in Breaking Dawn?

A developing (vampire) fetus...hahaha wow. Now you know where babies come from!

What is the name of an unborn cow?

Fetal calf, fetus, fetus calf, or cow fetus.