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No. Migraine is a genetic, neurologic disease. The cause is usually genetic. Migraine may be triggered by things that can cause a change in the homeostasis of the body/brain however. The equinox is not generally considered to be a migraine trigger, although migraines may be triggered by seasonal changes and weather changes.

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Q: Does the equinox cause migraine headaches?
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Many people suffer migraine headaches and the causes can vary. Some of the headaches are caused due to hormones and others can be caused by diet. Chocolate and dairy products have been found to trigger some migraine headaches.

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Migraine headaches have been known to cause neck pain. Neck pain may also precede migraine headaches, thus serving as an indicator of an oncoming attack.

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There are many factors that can trigger a migraine headache. Certain foods such as chocolate, dairy and even oranges can cause a migraine. Loud noises as well as certain smells have also been found to cause migraine headaches in certain individuals.

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Dilaudid can sometimes cause headaches. When used for the treatment of a headache or Migraine it can also cause rebound headaches. For diagnosis or treatment of a health concern, please see your physician asap.

Can orange juice cause headaches?

Oranges are a well known and common migraine trigger.