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Filtered by the kidney, liver, spleen, (am I missing any?) and enter the excretory system

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Brenden Bosco

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βˆ™ 2y ago
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Aglae Pacocha

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βˆ™ 2y ago

What does cs remove from body cells

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The circulatory system removes carbon dioxide from the body and absorbs oxygen

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βˆ™ 11y ago

it moves the waste by turning it into sweat or taking it into the bladder

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βˆ™ 11y ago

It transports wastes to organs that can eliminate them, such as the liver, lungs, kidneys, skin, digestive system.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

No, the excretory system removes wastes from the body.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

blood & cells.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

What does cs remove from body cells

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βˆ™ 4y ago


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Q: Does the circulatory system remove wastes from the body?
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Do cells use the circulatory or excretory system to get rid of wastes?

Cells use the circulatory system to help get rid of wastes. Diffusion occurs at the tissues, allowing for nutrients and oxygen to enter the cells, and for carbon dioxide and other wastes to be removes from the cells.The excretory system is a close partner with the circulatory system because they both remove wastes from the body. The excretory system removes excess, unnecessary materials from the body(as opposed to individual cells) so as to help maintain homeostasis within the body. It is responsible for the elimination of the waste products of metabolism as well as other liquid and wastes, such as urine and feces.So to simplify, individual cells use the circulatory system to remove wastes, while the excretory system removes wastes from the circulatory system.

The function of the is to remove wastes from the body?

The function of the digestive system is to remove wastes from the body.

How does the urinary system influence the work of the circulatory system?

The primary goal of the urinary system is the elimination of waste from the body processes. If these wastes are not removed, they may become toxic to the system. The circulatory system deposits the waste for the urinary system to remove.

Which body system is responsible for delivering nutrients and taking away wastes via the blood?

The circulatory system

What system Eliminates excess water salts and waste products?

The circulatory, endocrine, muscular, and nervous systems help rid the body of wastes via the kidneys. The muscular and nervous systems help rid the body of solid wastes via the rectum. The nervous and circulatory systems help rid the body of wastes via the skin. The circulatory, skeletal, nervous, and muscular systems help the respiratory system rid the body of gaseous wastes.

What is the circulatory system responsible?

The circulatory system is responsible for the movement of materials throughout the body. These materials include nutrients, wastes, oxygen, hormones, and immune materials.

What part of the circulatory system carries the nutrients and removes wastes from the body cell?

The circulatory system is the system in the body that is responsible for the transportation of materials throughout the body. Red blood cells move through the circulatory system deliver oxygen and water to the cells in the body and takes away waste products.

Is the urinary system and the circulatory system the same thing?

No. The urinary system removes liquid wastes from the body using the kidneys. The circulatory system pumps blood around the body delivering oxygen and nutrients and removing carbon dioxide.

What body system remove wastes from the body cell?

The excretory system, specifically the kidneys, is responsible for removing wastes from the body's cells. This system filters the blood to remove waste products and excess substances, which are then excreted as urine.

What is the structure of the circulatory system?

transport oxygen, nutrients, and wastes; fights infection; helps regulate body temperatureheart, veins, capillaries, arteries . what is the function of these

What are the one main funtions of the circulatory system?

The main function of the circulatory system is to transport nutrients, oxygen, and wastes through the body. It also carries immune components and hormones.

What system collects blood and remove wastes that are produced by cells?

The circulatory system collects blood from different parts of the body and carries it to the kidneys, where waste products produced by cells are removed. The kidneys filter the blood to remove waste products, which are then excreted from the body in urine.