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The heart can remain beating in a person that is brain dead because their heart is not connected to their brain. A person that is brain dead is not necessarily alive because their heart is still beating.

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11y ago

The heart is able to beat by itself by means of the pacemaker (Primarily the Sino-atrial node). The role of the brain is to regulate the heart rate. Increasing it via sympathetic stimulation or decreasing it via parasympathetic stimulation.

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14y ago

It depends on the length of time to which you are referring.

The heart, without blood supply will absolutely not keep beating after it has been removed from the human body. It may retain one or two beats, but only because the heart is a muscle and functions like other muscles. It has an independent, internal "pacemaker" if you will, that would tell it to keep beating. The electric impulse carried out by the heart is based on the sodium pump like all other muscles. So, it may beat once or twice weakly before stopping altogether as it uses up any remaining sodium.

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15y ago

if its severed from the brain it shouldn't beat anymore. but automaticity may be the answer you are looking for.

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12y ago

because it takes 2 hours to die and the blood is still going around 2 and a half hours so the blood stops

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What is responsible for keeping your heart beating?

The adrenal medulla is the part of the brain that keeps the heart beating

Does your brain keep your heart going or does you heart keep your brain going?

Your heart supplies the blood to your brain, however even if your brain is "braindead", your heart can still stay beating. The brain relies on the heart but not as much vice versa. When a person dies from a gunshot wound to the head, the body dies and of course, the heart stops. Either way, no-one can live without one, the other or a substitution. They are both essential to survival.

What if your brain is not working and your heart is?

Your wouldn't be beating for long without your brain keeping the beating at a rhythmic pace and anyway you'd be brain dead

Which brain region provides the signals that control the beating of the heart?

Brain stem

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the brain stem is small part of the brain and the most important one because it keeps you breathing,keep your heart beating and also keep food moving through your digestive system.

What is more important the heart or the brain?

Both the brain and the heart is important. If there are no brain, the heart would not be able to work. And if there are no heart, the brain would not have enough blood to function.The heat keeps beating when the brain is dead but only for a few secs.. but when the heart quits beating you have with in 5 min be for the patients is dead. and with in that time doctors can shock you back to lifeSo i say the Brain is more important.the brain, because if the heart stops you might still live but if the brain stops then your dead

Do lungs feel heart beating in the chest?

Not having a mind of their own or a brain, the lungs "feel" nothing. But they may sense the beating of the heart and react accordingly.

What Shakespeare play is this quote from 'be still my beating heart'?

The earliest citation of the full 'be still, my beating heart' comes from William Mountfort's Zelmane, 1705: "Ha! hold my Brain; be still my beating Heart."

How come you die when you get shot in the head?

The bullet kills your brain, which controls your heart, and the heart stops beating.

Why do you die if your heart stops beating?

Yes, but only for a short time. You can stay alive for 3 minutes after your heart stopped beating. 3 minutes is all you get. So live close to a hospital in case when you get old.:)

Why do doctors consider a person dead when the brain is not working but the heart is still beating?

This is because being dead is defined as stoppage in the functioning of brain and it is not having any relation with the functioning of heart. If the heart stops beating then there is no supply of oxygen rich blood to the brain and hence the brain dies and henceforth the person is declared dead.

How do you keep a frog heart beating outside of a body?

A suitable isotonic solution would keep a heart beating outside of the body. Additionally, charges can be inserted into the solution to keep the Sino-atrial node in constant functioning.