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The body temperature of cold blooded animals changes with the ambient temperature, while warm blooded animals regulate their temperature internally.

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Q: Does the body temperature of a cold blooded changes or remains the same?
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Does the body temperature of a cold-blooded animal changes or remains the same as the temperature of air or water around it changes?

the body temperature changes because of its surroundings

What is the temperature of a cold blooded creature?

The body temperature of a cold-blooded creature is not regulated internally like warm-blooded animals. Instead, their body temperature changes based on the temperature of their environment.

What is the name for animals that its body temperature changes with?

Cold blooded animals cannot regulate their own body temperature. Therefore, it changes with their environment.

Are Mudfish warm blooded or cold blooded?

Mudfish are cold-blooded, which means their body temperature fluctuates based on the temperature of their environment. They are ectothermic, relying on external sources of heat to regulate their body temperature.

Are bears warm-blooded?

Yes, Bears are warm blooded, as their body temperature remains at a constant rate.

What can warm-blooded animals do that cold-blooded cannot do?

Warm blooded animals can generate their own heat in a cold enviorment. Cold blooded animals change their temperature if they are in a cold place their body temperature changes cold if they are in a warm place it changes warm. Temperature change

What is cold blooded of fishes?

All fish are cold blooded animals. This means that their body temperature changes with the climate.

Body temperatures of these animals may change with environmental changes?

Cold-blooded animals may change body temperature when the outside temperature changes. This is because they are unable to regulate their body temperature.

Are bass warm blooded or cold blooded?

Bass, like all fish, are cold blooded, as they body temperature changes with the environment around them.

Are salamanders coldblooded?

Yes, salamanders are cold blooded and cannot regulate their temperature without help from external heat sources. Their body temperature changes as the temperature around them changes.

Are clown fish cold or warm blooded?

Clown fish are cold-blooded, which means their body temperature changes with the surrounding environment. They are ectothermic, relying on external sources to regulate their body temperature.

Does cold blooded animals change body temperature during the night?

yes! it changes with respect to the temperature of the surrounding.