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nope it always produces sperms and milions of it

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Q: Does the body start producing semen when a man is aroused?
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How semen ejaculates?

Semen is expelled from the body through a series of muscular contractions that occur during ejaculation. When a man is sexually aroused, the muscles around the reproductive organs contract rhythmically to propel the semen through the urethra and out of the body.

What is the age you will get semen?

This age will be different for each person. When a boy's body begins producing the hormones of puberty in sufficient levels, his sexual organs will begin producing semen. This generally begins between 12 and 14 years old.

How do you control sperms leakage?

Generally speaking, you can't. Your body will produce and emit sperm when it wants to, whether you consciously want it to or not. The same with semen. When your body becomes aroused, regardless of the reason, semen will be produced and often be emitted for cleansing and lubricatory purposes in preparation for sex. This is not a conscious function.

Can ingested semen be detected in the body?

Your body digests the semen so there is no way.

You ejaculate semen everyday is it all-right?

Yes because you testes are continually producing more of it, so you won't run out of it. If you don't ejaculate semen it is just reabsorbed back into your body anyway so you might as well have the fun of ejaculating it.

Do boys 18 years old can have son?

Boys can have sons at the age of 18. Once a boy hits puberty and starts producing semen his body is capable of reproducing.

Why are my balls so squishy?

Your testis are squishy because you are producing more semen lately then normally. It they start to stretch or hurt tell your doctor right away. If there is someone (A girl you may like) that arouses you a little then your body will naturally make more semen. That or you haven't masturbated in a long time. Since masturbating pumps out semen it causes the testis to shrivel up or harden a little bit. If you masturbate then stop a few days later then your genitals will be squishy because your body thinks that you will masturbate soon so it needs to but it doesn't so it all just stays in there.

What tube series as passageway of the semen as it leaves the male's body?

The urethra is the passageway for semen as it leaves the male's body. In the male, the urethra carries semen and urine, while in the female the urethra only carries semen.

Is wasting semen's causes harm to human body?

Yea, wasting semen's causes harm to human body. Because one drop of semen's is produced from 40 drops of blood. Therefore if any male do not waste semen's by way of lesser sexual activities, it will be reflected in his body outlook and overall health.

What is the effect of conserving semen on body?

Conserving semen has no benefits. It is a myth (wrong belief) that conserving semen is good.

How does the semen come out of your body after I swallow semen.?

The same as anything else you digest

Why it is necessary for the germ line to become separted at such an early stange of develop?

to start producing new cells for the body.