Yes,taking a shower does help a stuffy nose. It makes it go away. I did it before and it works every time!
The hot water in the shower does not last long because the water heater has a limited capacity to heat and store hot water, which can be quickly used up when taking a shower.
Though taking a hot shower may help relax you, or a cold shower to wake you up, there aren't actually any definitive studies that prove showers will "cure" your hangover. Then again, some people truly swear by it... so to each, their own!
It is called condensation.
A cold shower will help to bring down a fever.
Taking a shower at midnight in itself is not harmful to your health. However, if it disrupts your sleep schedule or if the water temperature is too hot or cold, it may affect your overall well-being. It's essential to ensure that the shower is not causing any discomfort or interference with your regular sleep patterns.
If it's 200 degrees! Your heater wont go that hot. Trust me.
Because taking a shower or drinking some coffee doesn't get the alcohol out of your body, although it might help you be more alert.
A hot shower or immerse the aren and shoulder in a tub of hot water may help pain.
Standing in a hot shower can get rid of a clogged runny nose because of the steam, however, it does not last for a long period of time after the shower.
Yes, a cold shower can get you clean, but a hot shower with soap with help to kill any germs that you are carrying.