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Yes, stress makes Bipolar disorder behavior worse. My daughter is Bipolar.

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Q: Does stress make bipolar disorder worse?
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Are downers used to treat bipolar disorder?

No! Such drugs are likely to make symptoms worse. Some people with bipolar disorder may self-medicate with them, though.

What folk medicines can people take for bipolar disorder?

Unfortunately there are none that are known to have any positive effect on bipolar and some can actually make it worse.

Is pot good for bipolar disorder?

no, it will make you even more unstable.

Does the recreational use of alcohol affect bipolar disorder?

Yes, when someone is in the depressed phase of Bipolar Disorder it can make the depression worse. When someone is in the manic phase it can lead to them being more impulsive and lead to taking greater risks than either alcohol alone, or mania alone. Also alcohol can interact with many of the medications used to treat Bipolar illness adversely. It should also be noted that people with Bipolar disorder will often self medicate with alcohol and other non-prescribed drugs when not adequately being treated. The degree of ones Bipolar illness will also be a determining factor in how much alcohol will affect one with Bipolar Disorder.

How are bipolar tests performed?

A bipolar disorder test is an examination done by a psychiatrist in order to make the diagnosis. The test primarily consists of questions for the patient. Their answers are usually enough to detect a bipolar disorder.

Do all bipolar parents have children with bipolar depression?

Bipolar disorder is hereditary, but it is very common for it to skip generations. If a child doesn't actually have it, mimicking parents who do will not make them bipolar. However, as children mimic behavior; they may exhibit the symptoms of bipolar disorder.

Why worry about Bipolar Disorder?

it can make a person unstable and unable to function. not always but it CAN

Is Bipolar disorder genetic?

Yes BiPolar is genetic and it is highly likely that someone who has BiPolar has a family member with the same condition. But not always i mean someone has to be first.

Can you cause someone to be bipolar?

Bipolar disorder can run in families. My mother (who is now deceased), older sister and daughter all are bipolar. It can skip generations or only one person in the family can be affected. My daughter's doctor advised that her children run a 25 percent chance of being bipolar.

May medication used in treating bipolar disorder and alcohol ever be consumed together safely?

No medication can be safely taken when consuming alcohol because alcohol impairs judgement and that can lead to misdosing and or drug interactions that cause further impairment. ANd, if you are bipolar, you should not be drinking alcohol anyway, Maybe try and figure out why you want a drink when that is a contriutor to bipolar and will make it worse.

What are some of the symptoms of bipolar disorder?

Bipolar Disorder is a psychological disorder affecting millions of people worldwide. There are two types of Bipolar Disorder, and they are Type I and Type II. The symptoms of Bipolar Disorder are generally the same for both. An individual suffering from this disorder may have "manic" periods. These manic periods may be characterized by suddenly beginning projects, over-shopping, or agitation. Some people experience violent outbursts. The depressive stage (hence the other name, manic-depressive) is typically characterized by remorse, depression, crying, and sleeping. Only a licensed Psychologist or Psychiatrist may make this diagnosis.

Who can you trust to make a diagnosis of bipolar disorder in a child?

The only person I think you should trust on making such an impotent diagnosis as bipolar disorder in a child is a doctor that you have done extensive research on. And even if the doctor is trusted it never hurts to get a second opinion.