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At times, absolutely. It is always best to perform your own analysis when responding to Psychology discussions. Does this response create a fundamental attribution error by either the submitter or responder's part?

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Q: Does stress factor into the frequency you make the fundamental attribution error?
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Fundamental attribution errors?

The fundamental attribution error is a cognitive bias where individuals tend to attribute people's behavior to internal traits instead of considering external factors. This can lead to overemphasizing personality and underestimating the influence of situational factors on behavior. It can create misunderstandings and impact relationships and judgments of others.

What is the stress mark of word fundamental?

The stress mark in the word "fundamental" falls on the second syllable: fun-da-MEN-tal.

What is the relation between yield stress and allowable stress?

A factor of safety against yield is applied to design stress Yield Stress/ Design Stress = Factor of safety The factor of safety varies for different industries; 1.5 is used in structural steel design for buildings; 1.25 or even 1.1 for aircraft/space systems

What are the release dates for Stress Factor - 2013?

Stress Factor - 2013 was released on: USA: 24 December 2013

Does stress concentration factor depend on the properties of materials?

The stress concentration factor depends on geometry, not on properties. For example if stress concentration factor around a circular hole is 3.0, that is the same for aluminum, steel, etc.

What is the relation between ultimate and allowable stress?

ultimate stress=Factor of safety*Allowable stress

What is critical in stress intensity?

Stress intensity is related to product of stress and flaw size for materials. If stress is increased to critical, this results in catastrophic failure. The critical stress intensity factor KIc is a property of the material. KIc = Strength x sqrt(flaw) x geometry factor

What is a model that describes the relationship between stress and disease?

Because our brains and body are so intertwined. Illness is a very common factor of stress and stress is a very common factor of illness. All said how do we stop this vicious cycle?

Can mode-1 stress intensity factor be negative?

No. Never.

The biggest factor in determining whether you experience stress as positive or negative is?

Biggest factor is your own 'attitude'.

What is a psychological factor?

Something mental, in your brain, that is a possible cause of something. eg. a psychological factor of illness is stress.

Is stress a risk factor in heart disease?

Stress is a factor in all areas of human health and human behavior. Stress is a factor in high blood pressure for example. This naturally affects the heart. Stress can cause eating disorders and sleep disorders, all of which are unhealthy for the heart as well as for other organs. High stress can have the affect of dominating a person to the degree that they fail to take care of their bodies properly, thus affecting their diet and foods high in fat that can clog arteries. The list of negative factors that "over stress" can have are numerous.