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In regard to tension headaches, one of the reactions stress brings is muscle contraction, sometimes even spasm. When the stress causes muscle tension to build up in the neck and scalp, a tension headache can be caused. That is just one reason. You must also think about all the smaller reasons - like not sleeping well, not eating well, etc.. that can bring about a headache.

In regard to migraines, stress can impact you both directly and indirectly. Directly, because the physical changes brought on by stress can impact your body. And as with tension headaches, you have to look at how you are responding to that stress. Sleeping consistently - both by going to bed at a certain time, and by getting the same amount of sleep - helps to prevent migraines, and is significantly important to those who suffer from cluster headaches.

People have also gotten migraines from the ending of stress. Meaning, they might have a particularly hard week, but once they hit the weekend - THEN they get the migraine. This is because of the physical change in body chemistry that happens with stress ends, and your body has to react to a whole new set of changes.

Indirectly stress also has an effect on migraines, because stress as a whole lowers your threshold for any other migraine trigger you might have. For example, perhaps you can normally stand 5 hours under fluorescent lights. Being stressed might lower that threshold down to 3 hours. Or, as another example - you might normally be able to tolerate a certain amount of MSG in your diet without getting a migraine. Under stress, your body might not be able to handle it.

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Q: Does stress cause headaches
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Stress headaches, also called tension headaches, can be treated by taking an over the counter medication, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. You could also consider taking a stress management course.

What are the causes of tension headaches?

Tension headaches are caused by tightening in the muscles of the face, neck and scalp because of stress or poor posture. They can last for days or weeks and can cause pain of varying intensity.

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Since some cluster headaches are triggered by stress, stress reduction techniques, such as yoga, meditation, and regular exercise, may be effective.

What actually causes headaches?

Stress and pressure

What are the most common causes of migraine headaches?

There are many factors that can trigger a migraine headache. Certain foods such as chocolate, dairy and even oranges can cause a migraine. Loud noises as well as certain smells have also been found to cause migraine headaches in certain individuals.

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No. blood vessels cause headaches

Stress Headaches: Symptoms and Treatment?

Stress headaches are very common and can be a result of physical or mental stressors. Stress headaches often manifest as aches in the back of the skull, near the neck, causing muscle tightness or spasms in the shoulders and back. Some are present in the eyes or forehead, particularly when caused by eye strain or exhaustion. Removing stressors, or managing them properly, can be very effective in treating stress headaches.

I have headache for no reason what can this be?

If its a one time occurrence then it could simply have been from a bump or a temporary stress. If you continue to get headaches a conclusion may be reached as to the cause.