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Stratera does not cure ADHD but rather helps make the symptoms of ADHD more manageable for the sufferer.

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Q: Does stratera cure ADHD
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How can adhd be treaded?

adhd can not be treated and pills or patches can help to calm you down but not cure the adhd!

Can you cure ADHD?

you cant fully BUT you can eat more vegetables and that can help but isnt a miracle cure

What is the cure of ADHD?

There is none. Symptoms can be treated but the disorder cannot be cured.

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Why is ADHD incurable?

It's unknown exactly what causes ADHD and typically, without knowing the exact cause of a disease pathology, it is not possible to cure it. However it can be treated/controlled.

Does adhd end?

ADHD does not end. it is a disorder that is there from birth to death. However, ADHD symptoms are not the same in people under the age of 16 as they are in over the age of 16, hence the idea that ADHD ends after childhood. there is no cure however it can be made easier to deal with by use of medication, therapy and a good psychiatrist.

Where can you find a cure for ADHS?

ADHS is not a known medical condition, but the similarly-named ADHD is a common affliction. ADHD cannot be outright cured, but it can be treated with certain medicines, particularly stimulants.

People can get rid of ADHD right?

No. But there are drugs (Ritalin for example) that can treat the symptoms. Ayraayra: There is no "cure" but there are a lot of cases were as the person gets older the signs and symptoms of adhd tend to go away.

What has the author Jay Gordon written?

Jay Gordon has written: 'The ADD and ADHD cure' -- subject(s): Popular works, Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder 'The ADD and ADHD cure' -- subject(s): Popular works, Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, OverDrive, Family & Relationships, Nonfiction

How does a narcissist deal with a spouse with ADHD?

Well since narcissist is one who is in love with themselves and ADHD people get distracted easily well the best cure for and ADHD person is for them to get more sleep so tell them they need to get more sleep or your going to put them on tons and tons of medication

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What is tourettes syndrome and did Mozart have it?

Tourette Syndrome is a neurological disorder that can cause behaviorial outbursts and has no permanent cure and no Mozart did not have Tourette Syndrome he had ADHD.