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The heart is a muscle. Soma is a muscle relaxer. Do the math ;-)

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Does Soma affect your heart How does soma affect your heart?

Well since Soma is a muscle relaxer and your heart is a muscle I'm pretty sure it would relax it by slowing it down. So your heart rate would probably drop as well as your blood pressure.

Is soma a blood thiner?

Check with your pharmacist. Some Soma is combined with asprin which does thin the blood.

What is the function of the left verticle?

To pump blood through the soma (the body).

Does soma show up in blood tests?

it should but ask your doctor

Does carisoprodol thin your blood?

No. This is not a known side effect of carisoprodol (Soma).

What effect does the drug Soma have on the effects of Caffeine?

Soma is a prescription muscle relaxer and pain reliever, while caffeine is a common stimulant found in sodas, chocolate, and some over the counter medications. Caffeine increases the speed at which the soma is absorbed into the blood stream.

Will soma show up on a mouth swab drug test?

People often have the misunderstanding that "blood test" is a universal term. Untrue. There are many different types of blood tests, each given for a specific reason or reasons. With that said, the medication "Soma" can be seen on a blood test only IF it is looked for. In other words, if you are going in for a standard cbc / blood test...they will not be looking for "Soma" and therefore it will not show up. If however you are taking a blood test to look for "Soma" or its metabolite (meprobamate), then YES the test will indeed be positive for the presence of the drug.

How do you throw up blood What pills makes you do that?

Soma muscle relaxer if take alot or drink with it hope this and thats about it for me

Does soma have aspirin in it?

Does soma have asprin in it

Who manufactures soma?

soma manufactuers

What is meaning of soma of sensory neuron?


What is the active ingredient in the prescription drug soma?

Soma is the trade name for carisoprodol, a skeletal muscle relaxant. Soma relaxes muscles and relieves pain and discomfort associated with strains, sprains, spasms or other muscle injuries. Muscle relaxes are for specific muscle injury and pain and should not be used for general body aches and pains