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partially, depending on the percentage of the sodium hydroxide, if its above 30% it is possible.

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Does ammonia and magnesium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide make sodium hydroxide?

Absolutely not. There is no sodium in that equation whatsoever.

How many pounds of Sodium Hydroxide does it take to make 10 gallons of 50 percent Sodium Hydroxide solution?

To make 10 gallons of a 50% sodium hydroxide solution, you would need 10 pounds of sodium hydroxide. This is because the percentage indicates the weight of sodium hydroxide in the solution. Hence, in a 50% solution, half of the weight of the solution is sodium hydroxide.

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Just a solution of sodium hydroxide in water.

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Shaving cream is typically a base. It contains ingredients like potassium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide that help soften the hair and make it easier to shave.

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If you use potassium hydroxide instead of sodium hydroxide, you would make potassium salts instead of sodium salts. For example, if you reacted potassium hydroxide with hydrochloric acid, you would produce potassium chloride.

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To make a 5% water solution of sodium hydroxide, you would mix 5 grams of sodium hydroxide with 95 grams of water. This will give you a total of 100 grams of solution, with 5% of it being sodium hydroxide. Remember to always add the sodium hydroxide to the water slowly and with caution due to its caustic nature.

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Sodium hydrogen combined with oxygen would form sodium hydroxide (NaOH), which is a strong base commonly known as caustic soda.

What do you use to make soap?

The principal materials are greses, sodium hydroxide and sodium chloride.

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No, adding water to sodium hydroxide will not lower the pH. Sodium hydroxide is a strong base, and when dissolved in water, it dissociates to produce hydroxide ions, which make the solution more basic. To lower the pH of a sodium hydroxide solution, you would need to add an acid to neutralize the base.

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The reaction of cupric nitrate and sodium hydroxide will produce cupric hydroxide as a precipitate and sodium nitrate as a soluble byproduct.

When dissolved in water sodium hydroxide completely dissociates into what?

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