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no. sharks have gills. thee gills filter the oxygen out of the water

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Yes, they do

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Q: Does shark have lungs
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Does a shark have gills and lungs?

Shark has only gills

What is the biggest organ in a shark?


What kind of shark has lungs?

None of them does, unless they're not a shark. Sharks are fish, and fish don't have lungs like whales, which are mammals, do.

Do beluga whales have lungs or gills?

All whales have lungs. No whale has gills. The whale Shark has gills, but that name comes from it being a Shark - a fish - the size of a whale.

Does whale sharks have gills or lungs?

i think that they have gills as they are a shark

Do shark have lungs?

No, they have gills.Sharks do not breathe with lungs, but with gills that absorb the oxygen in the water.

Is Greenland shark a reptile?

The Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus) is a shark that must live in the sea, and breathes through gills. A reptile is able to breath air using lungs and can live in or out of water.

What is the difference beetween a whale shark and a whale?

A whale Shark is a Shark, but big as a whale. As a Shark, it has the characteristics of a fish. Breathes with gills etc. Whales are marine mammals. Breathes with lungs, live birth, nurse its Young etc.

Does a shark have gills or lungs?

Yes, alligators have lungs and breathe air just like you do. They CAN hold their breath for a long time while they are under water, though!

Is a shark a mammal and why?

No a shark is not a mammal. It isn't a mammal because it filters water through it's gill slits then oxygen is filtered from the water. To be a mammal an animal has to directly breath oxygen into the lungs.

What is the difference between shark bite and crocodile bite?

well, a shark bite is usually created by a shark (when it bites you) and a crocodile bite is usually created by a crocodile.

Do great white shark have lungs?

No, like all sharks and fish they have gills.