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actually my doctor told me that having sex when you have type 2 diabeties actually, helps to lower blood glucose,, because it is strenous and just like a work out it works your muscles, so go to it

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Q: Does sex have an affect on blood sugar in a person with type 2 diabetes?
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Since diabetes increases a person's risk of heart disease, and exercise strengthens a person's hear and lowers their blood sugar, exercise can improve a person's health who has diabetes and help them to maintain a good blood sugar level.

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A person can have a temporary high blood sugar that then goes back to normal. Diabetes is a condition in which the body cannot regulate insulin.

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A person with diabetes mellitus either does not make enough insulin, or makes insulin that does not work properly. The result is blood sugar that remains high.

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No, blood pressure is not a determining factor for a diagnosis of Diabetes. Instead, high or low blood sugar (glucose) is a determining factor for Diabetes. However, it is true that Diabetes can lead to heart disease.

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Diabetes is a disease that affects a lot of people, its basically when your blood sugar is too high. ,

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I take an amino acid supplement Does glutamic acid or glycine affect or raise your blood sugar?

Yes, free (not bound) glutamic acid will affect blood sugar. It interferes with insulin sensitivity and may contribute to diabetes.

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Diabetes can also been called as diabetes mellitus, high blood sugar, high blood glucose, hyper glucose and hyper sugar.

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Diabetes is primarily a disease of blood vessels. Because blood vessels feed all our organs, many organs can be damaged when diabetes messes with the blood flow by damaging blood vessels. It's the constant high blood sugar in diabetics that damages blood vessels. If a diabetic keeps his blood sugar under control, it's as if he doesn't have the disease.

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It usually means that person has a low blood sugar, but if there is no low blood sugar, you should consult your doctor.