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NO scabies is just skin infection caused by sarcoptes scabiei.

secondary infection caused by bacteria may occur in only immunocompromised person

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Q: Does scabies cause blood infection
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What's Scabies?

Scabies is an infection of the skin which causes an itchy rash. Scavies are a type of parasite that feed off your blood from the inside of the skin

Can amoxicillin kill scabies?

Amoxicillin cannot be used to treat nor cure scabies, but it is often prescribed when you have scabies to help in the fighting off of bacteria. When the blisters form on your skin and you scratch them whether knowingly or not, you cause infection. The Amoxicillin is only used in your regime to keep down further infection with your condition. If you have scabies, I would suggest taking it while you otherwise treat the scabies. Amoxicillin cannot be used to treat nor cure scabies, but it is often prescribed when you have scabies to help in the fighting off of bacteria. When the blisters form on your skin and you scratch them whether knowingly or not, you cause infection. The Amoxicillin is only used in your regime to keep down further infection with your condition. If you have scabies, I would suggest taking it while you otherwise treat the scabies.

What are scabies caused by?

Scabies is an infection of the skin which causes an itchy rash. Scavies are a type of parasite that feed off your blood from the inside of the skin

How does someone get scabies other than by spreading?

The mites (Sarcoptes scabiei) that cause scabies can be caried by various hosts and objects, not only by those who display symptoms. But infection is primarily skin-to-skin contact.

What is permethrin cream used for?

Permethrin cream is used to treat scabies also known as Norwegian scabies. Scabies is an contagious skin infection caused by mites.

Which sexual transmited infection causes blood in urine?

A severe urinary tract infection that has moved into the kidneys or any infection in the kidneys can cause blood in the urine. If you are seeing blood in your urine see a doctor as an infection in the kidneys can cause permanent kidney failure

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A contagious parasitic infection of the skin with intense pruitus?

Scabies is an infectious skin contamination brought about by vermin that tunnel into the skin and cause extreme tingling. It's spread by skin-to-skin contact or by sharing polluted apparel or bedding.

A skin infection caused by infestation with an itch mite?


What are two different ways that viruses can cause infection?

the virus could get in your blood stream and cause an infection

Can you get scabies from a feet infectioin?

No, you can't get scabies from an infection. You can get an infection called scabies from a very small species of mite (tiny insects that bore into the skin). They are very easily spread as they don't require direct contact with someone who has them. You can catch scabies by touching a door knob after someone with scabies has touched it.

Can bruises cause infection?

No absolutely not. A bruise is just the clotting of blood and it will get healed after a few days but will pain a lot there will not be any cause of infection.