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No. Unprotected sexual intercourse causes pregnancy.

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Q: Does peer pressure cause teen pregnancy?
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Related questions

What is the best way to reduce teen pregnancy?

Education, available contraceptives and reduction of peer pressure.

What are some of the main causes of teen pregnancy?

I feel that the causes of teen pregnancy would be having only one parent in that child life, peer pressure, and not having one's on mind to do what supppose to be done

What are the statistics for the number of teens suffering from peer pressure?

just about every teen out there experiences peer pressure

What is teen peer pressure?

when teens your age pressure you to do things..... teen peer preesure could be anything.... but the most ones that everyone does is sex,drugs,and alot more

Why some teen ager getting invovle in early pregnancy?

when teens have relationships, they sometimes feeel like they should have sex, because of peer pressure or stress, or wanting to keep the relationship together. They are careless, and pregnancy results.

How does no attention in your life cause teen pregnancy?

That may be a contributing factor to teen pregnancy, but even a rudimentary knowledge of biology should be enough to show that it's not the cause.

How does teen pregnancy affect the teen life?

Teen pregnancy change both a male and female teen... Pregnancy and birth can cause slot of stress and may cause you relationship with boyfriend or girlfriend to end. Pregnancy is slot of work and you need to take care of the baby and yourself.... Watch 16 and pregnant ... That might help... Good luck :)

What is a large problem for teen age girls?

Peer pressure re appearance is probably the biggest one.

Which of the following is a potential social consequence of negative peer pressure?

Having positive friends increases confidence and self-esteem. If this peer pressure happens at school, it could improve a teen's grades or even friends.

How does peer pressure influence teen purchsing?

it influence it because your peers will always push you to do it and you finally get tired eventually you will do it

What challenges does teen faces in society?

Teens are faced with a few different challenges in society. The mainly face peer pressure.

What percent of teen addictions are caused by peer pressure?

No. Peer pressure makes it sounds like they are "actively" pressured to smoke. And that, frankly, is not the case. I started smoking, not because of an active pressure from friends, but a passive one. It was to gain entrance in a community of friends. All of them would go outside to smoke, and you don't want to stay you also go outside...then you begin slowly, etc, etc, etc....