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Q: Does osteoporosis have deossification
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The condition in which bone density is lost and bones become brittle is called?


Where can I get information on osteoporosis treatment and diet?

You can find information on osteoporosis treatment and diet on the following

How is helpful in preventing osteoporosis?

How is what helpful in preventing osteoporosis?

How do you compare and contrast primary and secondary osteoporosis?

There are several medical texts out in the world that define Osteoporosis as either Primary Osteoporosis or Secondary Osteoporosis. Primary osteoporosis is said to be a bone disorder of relatively unknown origin that occurs with aging and accelerates later on in life. Secondary osteoporosis, is the type of osteoporosis that has a direct cause. This type of osteoporosis is "secondary to," or caused by, something else.Many medical professionals consider all Osteoporosis to actually be Secondary Osteoporosis. This is because there are many known factors. Doctors have said that if one examines things closely will be able to find a secondary cause for almost every case of osteoporosis. There are many disorders, factors and conditions that have been associated with the development of osteoporosis.

How do you spell osteoporosis?

That is the correct spelling of osteoporosis, a weakening of the bones.

When was Osteoporosis International created?

Osteoporosis International was created in 1990.

When was Progress in Osteoporosis created?

Progress in Osteoporosis was created in 2000.

When was Archives of Osteoporosis created?

Archives of Osteoporosis was created in 2006.

What is a good thesis statement for osteoporosis?

what is a good thesis for osteoporosis

What is meant by primary osteoporosis?

Most cases of osteoporosis occur as an acceleration of this normal aging process, which is referred to as primary osteoporosis

Where can I send money to help research osteoporosis?

There is the osteoporosis center that you can donate to the foundation which will help for futher research for the cure of osteoporosis.

Can you inherit osteoporosis?

Partly, but its also dietary (low Ca intake), age related, and (lack of) exercise related.