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Q: Does nivea whitening is best fainess ceam for men?
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Does ice-ceam taste the best?

yes to me but to other people it might be gross but let me tell you this not all ice cream tastes the best

What is ceam?

I don't quite no know!!

How many tablespoons is 150 grams of fresh ceam?

That is approximately 10 tablespoons

How can you remove pimple scars?

I use something perscribed by my dermatologist called tretinoin ceam 0.1%

Where do you get cicatricure liquid mackup?

my mom get it in monterrey, mexico this is grate realy good, she get those podwer, ceam and liquid mackup.

In 2000 how much philly ceam cheese was sold?

Over 2.2 Million packages were sold of Philly Cream Cheese in 2000.

Can you use your E111 in France?

In France, the E111 form has long been replaced by the CEAM (Carte Européenne d'Assurance Maladie), known as EHIC in English.

Chunks of creamer float on surface of my coffee?

Hard water could combine with your creamer and cause tiny ceam floaters in your coffee. If your a coffee purest, try distilled water for a constant creamy cup.

Can horses eat ice cream?

well, horses can eat ice ceam only if you put hay or carrots in it. also, the horse must be over 1 year old. plus, you must pet it nose and ticls it tummy before doing anythng with ice cream

Does tails love cream or cosmo?

tails likes cream! because cosmo and tails still like each other but cosmo and tails broke up so then tails went to cream. so cream and tails got married and had 20 tails likes cream more and also even if you try out a love test it would say that cosmo and tails like each other but no! ceam and tails belong together so tails and cream are a cute couple! cream and tails are totally sweet together but come on guys, what are they? 5 years old or something well cream would have to be because she wears a cute little orange babys frock so whens the wedding 20 years?

How did Good Humor ice cream get its name?

Origin of the Ice Cream Sundae:The ice-ceam sundae was invented as a result of the prohibition on flavoured sodas being sold on a Sunday.Edward Berner was the owner of a drug store and ice-cream parlour in Two Rivers, Wisconsin. On Sunday, 8 July 1881, customer George Hallauer ordered an ice-cream soda. It was a Sunday, so Berner was not permitted to sell flavoured soda water, which was considered "scandalous". Instead, he served Hallauer ice cream in a dish and poured over the chocolate syrup used for ice cream sodas. It was given the name Sundae as it was a "treat for Sundays" but couldn't be named directly for the sabbath.Several US cities claim to be where the sundae was invented, but the Wisconsin State Historical Society recognises Two Rivers as the birthplace of the sundae. In 1973, the society erected an historical marker in Two Rivers Central Memorial Park. The marker reads:ICE CREAM SUNDAE - In 1881, George Hallauer asked Edward C. Berner, the owner of a soda fountain at 1404 - 15th Street, to top a dish of ice cream with chocolate sauce, hitherto used only for ice cream sodas. The concoction cost a nickel and soon became very popular, but was sold only on Sundays. One day a ten year old girl insisted she have a dish of ice cream "with that stuff on top," saying they could "pretend it was Sunday." After that, the confection was sold every day in many flavors. It lost its Sunday only association, to be called ICE CREAM SUNDAE when a glassware salesman placed an order with his company for the long canoe-shaped dishes in which it was served, as "Sundae dishes."