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Q: Does neurofeedback assist in depression
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Related questions

Is neurofeedback effective in treating borderline personality disorder?

Neurofeedback is effective in treating emotional overarousal, which is part of the symptomotology of Borderline Personality Disorder; however, there is no research to suggest that neurofeedback is effective at extinguishing the diagnosis.

Does neurofeedback work?

Neurofeedback has shown promise in addressing certain conditions like ADHD, anxiety, and PTSD. Some studies suggest that neurofeedback can be effective in improving symptoms and regulating brain patterns. However, more research is needed to fully understand its effectiveness and long-term benefits.

What is the name of scn?

The Self-Controlled Neurofeedback training is referred to as "SCN".

Can biofeedback cause side effects?

There are no known side effects to properly administered biofeedback or neurofeedback sessions.

Is it neurofeedback coverage insurance in Nevada?

This question is worded oddly. There is nationwide insurance available from Natural Therapies Certification Board

What has the author Robert Coben written?

Robert Coben has written: 'Neurofeedback and neuromodulation techniques and applications' -- subject(s): Neural transmission, Regulation

What is the brainmaster website all about?

The BrainMaster website is the home of BrainMaster Technologies. Inc. The company is dedicated to the sale of neurofeedback equipment such as EEQ and QEEG.

What is neurofeedback therapy good for?

Neurofeedback (NFB), also called neurotherapy, neurobiofeedback or EEG biofeedback (EEGBF) is a therapy technique that presents the user with real time feedback on brainwave activity, as measured by sensors on the scalp, typically in the form of a viedo display, sound or vibration. The aim is to provide real-time information to the Central Nervous System (CNS) as to its current activity.Neurofeedback can work with children and adults with ADD/ADHD. It can also be an effective treatment for improving your focus, attention, and memory as well as help to heal more serious issues such as insomnia, headaches, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and the after effects of strokes and accidents. Neurofeedback has a good success rate and has enabled many people to go back to completely normal lives after healing themselves using the tools that it provides.For more info visit : with Dr. Reenah McGillDr. Reenah McGill is aLicensed Acupuncturist & Biofeedback SpecialistDr. McGill offers a no cost consultation, on the phone or in person, to determine if this therapy can help you.Source(s):

How does an ophthalmoscope assist in diagnosis of glaucoma?

It allows the examiner to view the interior of the eye. If the patient has open-angle glaucoma, the examiner can see a cupshaped depression in the optic disk.

What is a cerebral activator?

Cerebral activator is used to assist with brain function, possibly for migraines or anxiety, depression and other problems. A Neurologist could give better explanation for all uses.

What does neurolink do for the body?

Neurolink is a neurofeedback device used to improve brain function by providing real-time feedback. It can help with focus, cognitive performance, stress management, and overall brain health.

Japanese military leaders pushed for Japan to capture more territory in manchuria during 1930s because they?

Manchurian resources were thought to have the potential to assist Japan escape the Great Depression. (APEX)