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Q: Does mumps confer lifelong immunity
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What viruses you can only get once?

Viruses that typically confer long-lasting or lifelong immunity after infection include measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, and most strains of the influenza virus. However, some viruses, like the common cold or norovirus, can infect a person multiple times due to the presence of different strains or lack of long-lasting immunity.

What infectious diseases confers no protection from reinfection after exposure?

Hepatitis C is an infectious disease that does not confer immunity after exposure. People who have been infected with hepatitis C can get re-infected with the virus.

What type of immunity results from recovery from mumps?

Naturally acquired active immunity

A person who has recovered from mumps is protected from contracting the disease by?

Active immunity.

Which diseases give life long immunity after and attack?

rubella,mumps,pertusis.DHF(Dengue haemorragic fever)

How can people become resistant to measles or mumps?

They either are vaccinated against those diseases, or they have them and build a natural immunity.

How do you improve your immunity?

There are different types of immunity Non-specific and Speicific and the best is Innate which is inborn, acquired active after exposure to a disease like measles & mumps and by vaccination which is Artificially acquired active immunity which is the practice now to prevent from incurring a disease. There are different types of immunity Non-specific and Speicific and the best is Innate which is inborn, acquired active after exposure to a disease like measles & mumps and by vaccination which is Artificially acquired active immunity which is the practice now to prevent from incurring a disease.

What type of immunity are antibodies given to a person?

Artificially acquired Active- vaccines (active or live viruses that are lifelong immunity) Artificially acquired Passive - gamma globulin injection that is temporary (used for overseas trips)

Are all vaccines caused by antibody production and give lifetime immunity true or false?

False, because not all vaccines provide lifelong immunity. Some require boosters or reimmunization.

Are people with Hemophilia prevented of getting Malaria?

No, hemophilia does not confer an advantage against malaria. People with sickle-cell anemia do have an immunity, of sorts.

What is pooled serum human globulin and what type of immunity might this confer?

Pooled human serum globulin is antibodies (or antitoxins) found in our blood. When administered to a patient after exposure to Hepatitis A it is a type of Artificially acquired passive immunity.

What is the normal mumps titer value?

In order to show positive immunity your blood level must reach a level of 1.10 If it's 90 then you have no immunity and should be vaccinated. If you are between say 1.00 to 1.09 then you some immunity but should have a booster of either measles (mmr) or varicella.