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Mostly muscle cells

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Cameron Hirthe

Lvl 10
2y ago
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8y ago

Yes they do have fibers.
Muscle fibers are skeletal that is surround by plasma membrane. The plasma membrane has sarcoplasm.

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13y ago

If you're referring to visual stripes like you see on anatomy pictures then no. Muscles are layered in the "stripes" you see in anatomy pictures.

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14y ago

a mixture of fiber types

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12y ago


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Q: Does most muscle contain a fibers of the same type?
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Do skeletal muscle fibers contain sarcomeres whereas smooth muscle fibers do not?

Yes, skeletal muscle fibers contain sarcomeres, which are the repeating units responsible for muscle contractions. In contrast, smooth muscle fibers do not have sarcomeres in the same organized structure but still have contractile proteins.

Does cardiac muscle and heart have the same relationship?

The heart is composed of cardiac muscle fibers. It is the same thing.

Is a muscle cell a fiber?

Yes, biologists often refer to skeletal muscle cells as fibers, although they aren't the same as plant fibers.

What kind of muscle makes your heart?

You call it as cardiac muscles. The muscle fibers contract rhythmically. The muscle fibers are attached to each other end to end. This facilitates the conduction of the impulse. The muscle fiber can be stimulated to give you contraction of the the same.

What happens to a muscle in the body when it gets longer?

You get stronger. The individual muscle fibers become thicker with more myofibrils inside them. The number of muscle cells stays the same, contrary to popular belief that you grow more muscle fibers, this is not true.

Do all cardiac muscle fibers all contract at the same time?

No. The heart muscle contracts in sections, first the top (atrium) then the bottom (ventricle). But when it is working properly, the heart muscle fibers contract together in large groups.

How are your skeletal smooth and cardiac muscles the same?

All three types of muscles are composed of muscle fibers that contract in response to nerve signals. They are all involved in movement and support the body's structure. Additionally, they each contain proteins called actin and myosin that are responsible for muscle contraction.

Does increased muscle density mean more myofibrils per muscle fiber?

Yes, increased muscle density often correlates with having more myofibrils per muscle fiber. Myofibrils are the contractile units within muscle fibers responsible for generating force and producing movement. When muscle density is increased, it usually indicates that there is a higher concentration of muscle fibers and myofibrils within a specific area, leading to greater strength and muscle function.

How is skeletal muscle adapted for its role in the body?

Skeletal muscle is striated and composed of long, multinucleated fibers that can contract and relax to generate movement. It contains numerous mitochondria to produce energy for muscle contractions, and is innervated by motor neurons to enable voluntary control. Additionally, muscle fibers have a high density of myofibrils, which contain actin and myosin filaments that slide past each other to facilitate muscle contraction.

What is a pennate muscle?

Pennate MusclesIn a pennate muscle, the fascicles form a common angle with the tendon. Because the muscle cells pull at an angle, contracting pennate muscles do not move their tendons as far as parallel muscles do. But a pennate muscle contains more muscle fibers--and, as a result, produces more tension--than does a parallel muscle of the same size. (Tension production is proportional to the number of contracting sarcomeres; the more muscle fibers, the more myofibrils and sarcomeres.)

Are the most body movements isotonic or isometric?

Most body movements are isotonic, meaning they involve muscles changing length and joint movement occurring. Isometric movements, where muscles contract without joint movement, are less common and usually involve activities like holding a static position or maintaining posture.

How is new skeletal muscle formed?

New skeletal muscle is formed primarily through a process called hypertrophy, where existing muscle fibers increase in size in response to resistance training or exercise. Satellite cells, a type of stem cell, can also contribute to muscle growth by fusing with existing muscle fibers or by creating new muscle fibers through the process of myogenesis. Over time, these mechanisms lead to an increase in muscle mass and strength.