maybe... :) well i think it does
Yes, Staring at the intense light from arc wielding has caused blindness
you can get blind
Using a laptop can not cause you to become actually blind...
Yes. its good to go on once in a while but not all the time. also it could make you go blind
You will NOT get blind,but you could get sore eyes or a headache if you have had it on 3d for over half an hour
Only if you play it for... at least 9,000 hours straight. Maybe less. It is very likely to get a headache and stuff like that.
Piglets don't give birth, they're much too young. A piglet is not blind after it is born.
Yes you can become blind from watching television and it is not very productive. You can watch too much television which is more than 2 hours and when you blink you see alot of blur. So to answer again yes you can become blind from watching television.
Yes. Elevated oxygen levels for too long can make you lose your vision. That's why premature babies are often blind when they grow up. Take Stevie Wonder for example.
too much