It may not cause seizures, but it can't be said to be any kind of treatment for them. Epilepsy has many forms and many causes and there is no single treatment that can be said to deal with it. As a general rule, marijuana and any kind of street drugs should be avoided.
Seizures are usually a sign of injury or illness. You would need to take it to a farm vet to find out the cause before you can treat it.
yes, if it has ravies that can cause raccoons to have seizures.
Yes they can cause seizures. it depends what type of person you are like if your immune system is weak you can have seizures.
If you have a problem with seizures almost every video game can "cause" seizures.
A variety of brain cancers can cause seizures.
I believe phenylephrine can cause seizures in people with seizure disorders.
yes,guillian-barre syndrome cause people to have seizures.
Yes a dog can have seizures from allergies
Yes helium can cause seizures i was sucking helium and i got dizzy started drooling and blacked out.