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no it does not effect the prostrate

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Q: Does linsopril effect prostate
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No. It may cause lung cancer, but it has no effect on the prostate.

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Will baking soda relieve prostate problems?

No. Most prostate problems are due to hormones and baking soda has no effect on that.

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What is the effect of an enlarged prostate on incontinence?

In men, an enlarged prostate gland can obstruct the bladder, causing overflow incontinence.

What effect may diet have in getting prostate cancer?

there is some evidence to suggest that a diet high in fat increases the risk of prostate cancer.

What is the duration of treatment with finasteride for bph?

Because this drug works by "shrinking" the prostate, it has to be used indefinitely to maintain its effect. If it finasteride is stopped, the prostate can be enlarged again.

How does Strattera effect the prostate?

Strattera has severely effected my prostate in that I'm so sore I can barely sit. My prostate aches so much it keeps me awake...I spend all day being tired and trying to go to the bathroom.

What is the effect of prostate gland?

The prostate gland sits between the scrotum and anus. It's function is to produce a liquid that is mixed with semen to help the sperm move from the man's body into the woman's body.

How can have a full erection while having enlarged prostate gland?

Prostate enlargement by itself does not effect the ability to get an erection. Prostate enlargement can lead to painful ejaculation, which can impact the ability of a male to achieve a full erection. If sex or masturbation prevents a full erection, due to enlarged prostate, you can use a penis pump to help achieve an erection.

How does estrogen effect the prostate?

As a general term "cancer" means that some abnormal cells are present in a particular part of your body. All the cells of our body have their own "program" to live, but cancer cells do not follow this program. The same happens with prostate cancer, it is characterized by the presence of abnormal prostate cells (cancer cells), causing the damages to prostate and other symptoms. These cells are capable to multiply very fast, increasing their number and the tumor size. Because of this, the normal prostate cells are suppressed and cannot function properly. When a man has prostate cancer, his PSA (prostate specific antigen) levels will rise. In many cases of prostate cancer, the prostate gland is removed.

Does pomegranate juice really prevent prostrate cancer?

Pomegranate juice has been shown in a few early studies to have an effect on prostate cancer cells as well as possibly having an effect or preventing prostate enlargement. Research is not complete, and it should also be noted that pomegranate juice can interact with several medications.