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do kidney stones move side to side

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Q: Does kidney stone pain move from side to side?
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What causes pain on the left side of the body that wraps around to the back?

a kidney stone.

What causes pain on right side waist between the side and back. It's where u put your hand on waist but toward back?

Very likely that right side pain is from overexercising or from pulling a muscle. It could be a kidney stone, I suppose. Kidney stone pain is often accompanied by pain in the groin area, and often occurs in the morning before you get up. Drink 2 glasses of water in the morning and another 70 to 80 ounces of water during the day . . . if it is a kidney stone, this may wash it out of the kidney and ureter without a lot of pain. If it isn't a kidney stone, the water is an extremely healthful thing to do for everyone!

Where does it hurt when you have a kidney stone?

Kidney stones are normally followed with cloudy or bloody urine, no position is comfortable to sit in, may also have a burning or sharp pain in your bladder. Ant abdominal pain is strongly suggested to seek doctors help, abdominal pain can also indicate a bad appendix or even early signs of diabetes.

What are the symptoms of kidney stones in the bladder?

There are no symptoms for kidney stones once they reach the bladder. They are effectively on their way out of the body through the urethra.When lodged in the ureter on the way to the bladder, kidney stones generate two major symptoms. The primary one is moderate to severe pain felt in the lower back, which increases unless the stone passes. A second common symptom is the urge to urinate when the bladder is already empty.The first sign, which is usually apparent only to those who have already experienced a kidney stone, is a small twinge of discomfort on either side of the lower back (the side the stone may form in). This can also be caused by thickening of kidney fluids, triggered by insufficient water intake or by certain compounds removed by the kidney. In men a kidney stone can cause bad pain at times in the testicles if it's moving and regular pain in the urethra which means pain in the penis. This also happens if there is a stone in the bladder

Pain and More Pain ?

Kidney stones are painful, and once you know what to look for, you will be able to detect a kidney stone as soon as you get one. Severe pain in the right or left side is one of the most common signs. You may also have nausea and vomiting if the pain is bad enough. Blood will often be present in the urine.

If you have a kidney infection or kidney stones can it feel like your lower sides hurt or can it feel like your uterus hurts?

Kidney stones can cause severe pain in different areas. Depending on the location of the stone, it may cause pain in your lower back on the left or right side. If it has moved on to your ureter, there may be pain in your pelvic region. However, if you are having pain and you know that it is kidney stones, you should see a urologist who can determine if there is blockage occurring and possibly give you a prescription pain medication.

What is dull pain on right hand side of torso sort of like the stitch?

Might be a kidney stone. I had them twice and the pain gets serious. A doctor said to me "if you feel it coming onto try to run up and down stairs to get the kidney stone to move. In both cases I was hospitalised but it came out in my urine, never had them blasted. I have put in a water filter / softener in my house since. Watch for bottled water - some brands are very high in calcium - which causes the problem.

What is dull pain on right hand side of torso- sort of like the stitch?

Might be a kidney stone. I had them twice and the pain gets serious. A doctor said to me "if you feel it coming onto try to run up and down stairs to get the kidney stone to move. In both cases I was hospitalised but it came out in my urine, never had them blasted. I have put in a water filter / softener in my house since. Watch for bottled water - some brands are very high in calcium - which causes the problem.

What causes nausea and pain on the right side?

Pain on the left side of the body and nausea could be caused by a heart attack. This might also have something to do with a kidney stone or even indigestion. It's a good idea to check with your doctor if you have this type of pain.

How do you know if you're passing a kidney stone?

Kidney stones are tiny pieces of minerals, like calcium, that collect in the kidneys and are too large to pass easily along the ureter, to the bladder, and out through the urethra. Symptoms of kidney stones, called nephrolithiasis, include extreme localized pain, perspiration, and often an associated infection. The most common symptom of kidney stones is a debilitating, shooting, intense pain anywhere in the abdomen. A kidney stone still lodged in the kidney would cause pain on one side, near your lower back. If it has moved partly down your ureter, the passage connecting the kidneys to the bladder, the pain might originate in your lower abdomen, side, or groin. A strong, continuous pain might indicate that the kidney stone is stuck permanently and will not be passed without a doctor's intervention. Other symptoms of kidney stones include clammy, cold, hot, or sweaty skin accompanying a fever or chills. Fever usually means the stone has caused a blockage, and your kidneys and urination cannot function normally. This kind of infection must be treated with antibiotics, as well as by removing the kidney stone. You might also be tired, nauseated, not hungry, or experience diarrhea or constipation. Some symptoms of kidney stones are very similar to the symptoms of a urinary tract infection or cystitis, especially in women. These have to do with urination. You might notice discolored or cloudy urine and pain, smarting, or burning during urination. A frequent or urgent need to urinate is usually a false alarm, as it may be difficult to actually urinate more than a tiny amount. Given these warning symptoms, a doctor can diagnose kidney stones by doing a blood or urine test, conducting an ultrasound, or taking an X-ray with or without dye. Then a medical professional can eliminate the kidney stone by a variety of methods, ranging from non-invasive flushing with lots of liquid, to minor surgery under general anaesthetic.

Pain on right side when my left kidney is diseased?

gallbladder stones.

What causes pain on right side of back below waist?

A pain that occurs above the waist but on the right side can be as a result of a strain. The strains usually occur when someone sleeps in an uncomfortable position or on a surface that is uneven.