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Q: Does kidney have reaction when you masteburate?
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Is kidney failure and kidney insufficiency mean the same thing?

Kidney failure is an acute stage, and can often be a secondary complication to another condition or situation, such as from a reaction to medication or from dehydration. Chronic kidney disease is a chronic illness. Acute kidney failure has a good chance of being 100% reversible if caught early. Chronic kidney disease is manageable with dialysis, but is not reversible.

Does getting hit in the kidney hurt?

Yes, it hurts very bad. Try punching a friend in the kidneys, and watch their reaction.

What Medication to avoid with one kidney Im refering to otc drugs?

There are a lot of different over-the-counter drugs that you should avoid. Basically, you should avoid all of them that state a kidney reaction in the side effects.

What enzyme is produced in the stomach?

specific-meaning it is only able to catalyze a reaction with a certain molecule.

Which came first the kidney or the kidney bean?

The organ was called a kidney first. The kidney bean is called so because it is shaped like a kidney, the organ.

What is an accessory kidney?

An accessory kidney is an "extra" kidney.

What are common ailments of the kidney?

Kidney stones. Kidney failure.

Can you smoke weed while taking ibuprofen 600 mg for kidney stones?

yes weed will not cause an adverse reaction with the ibuprofen, many people i know have done this after surgery.

Is there any difference between kidney disease and kidney failure?

Kidney disease can lead to kidney failure.

A person who donates kidney are called?

A person who donates a kidney is called a living kidney donor.

What are the problems that still remain of a kidney transplant?

Kidney failure and kidney rejection can still remain after kidney transplant.

What are kidney enzymes?

Kidney enzymes are enzymes specific to the kidney.Enzymes are protein molecules that speed up (or catalyze) chemical reactions in the body. These chemical reactions serve a wide variety of functions, many involving the production of special molecules in the body. Some of these molecules are produces relatively exclusively by the kidney. To limit the production of these molecules to the kidney requires that only the kidney contains the necessary enzymes needed to produce these molecules. These enzymes would logically be called kidney enzymes.An example of a molecule produced relatively exclusively by the kidney is calcitriol, the active form of vitamin D3. Calcitriol is produced through a chemical reaction catalyzed by the kidney enzyme 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 1-α-hydroxylase (also called 1α-hydroxylase).One enzyme that is made by the kidneys is renin. It is part of the renin-angiotensin mechanism that helps regulate blood pressure.