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If by 'safe' you mean no risk of pregnancy - no, this is not true.

During the average 28 day cycle a woman is most likely to be fertile between days 7-16 - with ovulation occurring around day 14 (a viable egg may be present for up to 48 hours) and up to a week beforehand when fertile quality cervial mucus is present. During menstruation is one of the times a woman is less likely to get pregnant as there is no egg present, although if the menstrual cycle is shorter she could still have fertile quality cervical mucus during menstruation so pregnancy is still a risk. Five days after menstruation would be right in the middle of the fertile phase. Although this is the average cycle, not necissarily true to your cycle.

Unless a woman uses Fertility Awareness Method she has no way of knowing when she is fertile or not, cycles can change a lot so you can't guess fertile days based on your past cycles (this is known as Rhythm Method and not at all effective). If you don't use Fertility Awareness Method then you have to use another form of Birth Control if you want to avoid unintended pregnancy.

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Q: Does it mean you are safe during your period time and 5 days after the period?
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Can you get pregnant after your safe days?

What do you mean by safe days? During your period or before you ovulate? Explain please :)

How many days after your period is your safe period?

There is no 'safe' period. Pregnancy can occur at any time during your menstrual cycle.

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No you are not. The risk is higher in the last days.

I did not wants to be pregnant during period cycle which days are safe to make sex?

There are no "safe" days to have sex. Use birth control.

Can you get pregnant 6 days into your period?

There is no "safe" time during a month to have unprotected sex!!

What are safe days in the menstrual period?

The menstrual period is the time in which you are menstruating, I think that you mean your menstrual cycle. Safe days are days you can have sex without getting pregnant, you can only know these days if you were using fertility awareness method as a form of birth control.

Which days are safe for unprotacted sex to avoid pregnancy during mansuration cycle?

immediately before and immediately after a period.

Is it safe 9 days after menstruation?

If you mean sexual intercourse then it's unwise to rely on any so-called safe period. Get proper contraception.

What are the safe days for intercourse?

You're never safe from getting pregnant. True, at some moments during your period it's a little less likely, but you're never a 100% safe.

What are safe days in a woman?

There are no totally safe days.

Is it safe to have intercourse 7 days before and after your period?

Yes it is safe

What are the unsafe days after ones monthly period?

If by "not safe" do you mean most vulnerable to get pregnant, then that would during the ovulatory phase of your menstrual cycle. But any day of your menstrual cycle or any other day is "not safe" if you don't use proper protection.