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I have my ear's pierced 6 times 3 on each ear lobe. I got my first one's done when i was 6 weeks old so i do not remember them ones lol. The second ones i got when i was 8 it was done with the gun at the same time. The third i got done when i was 12. It feels like someone pinching your ears. Doesnt hurt at all. Just keep your earrings( the ones it was pierced with ) in for at least 2-4 months and when you do change the earrings use proper earrings or if you use "cheap" earrings i advise not to leave them in for more then 48 hours unless your ears adapt to them. HAPPY PIERCING

It does not hurt AT ALL....i got mine at 8 and they did not hurt. after a while it can KIND OF but not all the time! i have 2 on each side but the second piercing closed up. HAPPY PIERCING!!!

it doesn't hurt at all iv got my ears,lip,toung,and nose pierced you wont fell a thing once they pierce them

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Q: Does it hurt to get your ears pierced on the ear lobes?
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Does getting your ear lobes pierced hurt?


Does having you ear lobes pierced hurt?

It doesn't hurt at all its just like a quick pinch then your ear lobe gets red and hot and it may sting a little bit but like i said it doesn't hurt that much i know this cause i got my ears pierced.

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well only her ears which are her ear lobes of course where everyone has their ears pierced

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it hurts less to get your ears pierced

Does Bella Thorne have a piercing?

both her ears are pierced on her ear lobes of course

Does Justin Bieber have his ear pierced?

Yes, his ears are pierced. He wears studs in his ears, but not often.

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AnswerYou should get your rook pierced on the left ear.

What size do ear lobes get pierced at?

usually 20ga or 18ga (:

How does it feel like to get your ear pierced?

It feels like magnets pressing begents your ears!~It does not hurt

If you have a lump in your earlobe can you get your ears pierced?

Yes, ma'am! I've got tiny hunks of broken cartilage in my ear lobes all around and I've got my ears peirced. it doesn't hurt any more and doesn't effect the peircing at all. Good luck, sweet heart.

Does getting your ear flap pierced hurt?

'ear flap' isn't very helpfull, youre either talking about your lobes,which dosent hurt,your cartlidge which dosent hurt if you get it with a stud gun,or your tragus,which kind of hurts,it must be done at your local,trusted piercer.

Does Miley Cyrus have her ears pierced?

Yes,Miley Cyrus does have her ears pierced.She has her upper right ear pierced,and down low pierced two times.She has her left ear pierced down low.She also has her bellybutton pierced.