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Q: Does it hurt if you use a door to pull a tooth?
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What is the least painful way to pull a loose tooth?

use a nerf gun it may hurt but aye i used it it worked

What is the most unpainful way to get a tooth out?

I'm sorry, but there can be so many answers to this question, such as, with a chainsaw, removing the lip, sticking a knife through the gum under the tooth and popping the tooth out, try and make your answer more specific.

How can you pull your back tooth?

Your dentist will use and instrument to "wiggle" from side to side for a while, then use a special tooth instrument to twist and pull the tooth out. This is done under a local anesthetic, usually.

Does it hurt getting your tooth pulled?

No it does not hurt getting a tooth pulled because the dentist will numb your gums. The shot they use to numb you up will hurt a little bit.

How do you get a wiggly tooth out?

Teeth can not really be made wobbly unless you use different methods to pull a baby one out. e.g tug on it. string to door etc..... But one that isn't wobbly will have to wait sorry.

Can you use pliers to pull out a tooth?

Yes, if you wrap the tooth in gauze first. Make sure the pliers are clean and sterilized.

Is lidocaine used to pull a tooth?

i had a tooth pulled and was numbed with lidocaine they tryed to numb a nother tooth that was infected and it wouldn't numb so what i want to no is do they use lidocaine or novacaine to pull a tooth

How do you fix a pull door handle?

What type of pull on what type of door? Wooden, you can use tooth picks or slivers of wood to fill the hole in the handle so the screw will grip. Metal ones that have pulled through can have a fender washer put on the back side. Plastic can sometimes be glued. For a better idea, a little more information is needed.

If I have a gum infection under my molar do you think my dentist will pull it out because I'm scared of needles?

Fear of needles is not a rationale for extracting a tooth. On the other hand, if you refuse to consent to having the tooth or gum treated, extraction may be the only acceptable alternative. That raises the question, will you have the tooth without use of local anesthetic? That will probably hurt a lot more than a needle to numb the tooth and gum.

When you pull the fuel door lever it does not open the fuel door how do you get the fuel door open if the lever is not functioning?

use a hammer

How do you use pull in a sentence?

In old mansions, the door bell was a pull cord. You push while I pull this box across the room.

How do you pull out a tooth really easy?

Well, if your tooth is hurting really bad, i would suggest getting some Orajel from your local pharmacy to stop the pain and numb the tooth. Do not use the doorknob trick, as it will damage your gums and make it hurt even more. I suggest drying the tooth with a dry paper towel or tissue, and then twisting is a couple times until you break a couple 'threads'. Try putting a piece of ice on the gum until it feels numb, then twist your tooth slowly and close your eyes and count to 3. On 3, just pull your tooth and i won't hurt at all. If your tooth doesn't fall out by that, I would just let nature take its course and let it fall out by itself. Good luck :)