I started to get varicose veins at around the age of 10 years, like some other people on my fathers side of my family (including my father).
They began to hurt about 19 years later - I felt no sensation at all associated with them until I was 29, although I could see that they were becoming steadily larger and more pronounced.
At 30 I was told I had developed "phlebitis" (manifested as red lump and soreness in one place on the inside back of my calf, where there were some varicose parts of the veins) and given an operation to remove the veins "saphenous avulsion".
This operation made my leg look better, although not all the varicose veins were gone. The soreness stopped completely. The pain stopped completely.
After this operation, I felt no sensation associated with my veins again for about 10 more years - although, as always, I could see the residual varicose veins steadily becoming larger, and new ones appearing. Then they started to hurt again at around age 40. Now I am 47 and the amount of pain I am getting from the veins, while not great, is gradually increasing (and the veins are continuing to become larger, and new varicose areas developing).
So, in summary, I am now 47, have had visible varicose veins for 38 years, have had one operation for them. During the years that I have had visible varicose veins, they have hurt in total for about 8 years and not hurt at all for about 30 years.
According to Duke Heath clinic they only get worse
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Can you get a varicose vein on your brain
Varicose means pertaining to a dilated vein. The vein itself might be called a varicosity or a varicose vein.
The hemorroidal vein.
One can easily tell if they have a varicose vein by looking at their legs. If there are visible, dark, lumpy veins whilst standing up for a while, you have varicose veins.
A varicose vein is a distended vein where the valves are unable to close properly. This can lead to thromboses, which are blood clots and can make the veins hard, bumpy, and painful.
Varicose vein laser surgery involves a laser, that is very accurate and direct, that sends very strong bursts of light onto the varicose vein. This light makes makes the vein slowly fade and disappear.
Laser therapy is one means of treating varicose veins. The laser works to destroy and damage the vein. The laser closes the vein preventing it from spreading further.
Hemorrhoids come from a dilated vein in the rectum. This is really a varicose vein.
When looking to remove a varicose vein it is best to always consult a doctor first. The surgery they perform is known as varicose vein removal which has a very proven track record.
Spider vein treatment typically includes medicine or topical creames. Varicose typicall include thearpy and massage.
Varicose vein stripping is a surgical procedure used to remove varicose veins from the legs. It involves making incisions in the skin, tying off the affected veins, and then removing them through the incisions. This procedure is typically reserved for severe cases of varicose veins that do not respond to other treatment options.
Vein ligation and stripping is a surgical approach to the treatment of varicose veins.