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Yes it may. Having this condition may increase your risk of infertility, premature labor and ectopic pregnancy.

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Q: Does heterogeneous myometrium with small fibroid cause problem in case of conceive?
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Have not had my period in two years and i have a thyroid problem could the thyroid problem cause me not to conceive?


Large fibroid and your doctor thinks the tube from your bladder to your kidney may be blocked is this anything to worry about?

A large fibroid is only a problem if it's bothering you, but a blocked ureter could lead to backup of urine into that kidney, and is something to worry about. Talk to your health care provider about the plan for your care.

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Will there be problems if one does not want to conceive?

Everyone is free to make their own choice, so if you're choice is not to conceive, then no one can judge you about that, but the only problem that can occur for you is that your partner or the person who you'll be with might want to conceive and might want to have children and have a family, so to avoid having problems in any future relationship you get involved in, you have to make sure that your partner doesn't want to conceive too, and as long as you have an agreement about that, then you won't have any problems.

How do you get pregnant when she is having thyroid problem?

The woman will most likely not be able to conceive until the thyroid problem is treated appropriately. Additionally, pregnancy with a thyroid disorder that is not under control is dangerous for the fetus.

What was sarai's problem?

Sarai's problem was that she was unable to conceive a child, which caused her emotional distress and led her to offer her maid, Hagar, to bear a child with her husband, Abram, in order to fulfill God's promise of descendants.

Is there any problem for pregnancy for large age difference?

Yes there is a problem for getting pregnant at say 38 or40 years of age, as the chances to conceive are far less and can be very complicated for both mother and the baby.

Can a woman with blood group O negative conceive with a man of blood group A positive?

Yes, there is no reason not to. The problem with blood types comes with blood transfusions.

What are the possible causes of having an extremely heavy period with huge clots and they still keep on coming every single time and you have had to change your super plus Tampax pearls every 15-30 mi?

You probably have a uterning fibroid. I have the same problem.

Do you normally need a hysterrectomy when you have a large fibroid 12cm that keeps on making you bleed?

Especially if you are satisfied that you do not want to have any more children, It is the best way of getting rid of a problem that will probably end up getting worse over time resulting in an hysterectomy any way. At least that is the way my wife would describe the problem you are faced with.

I have been trying to conceive for 4years and i haven't got pregnant why?

There could be many reasons you are not conceiving, you will not find out what they are unless you see a doctor to have some testing done to see what the problem may be.

Is there chance of pregenancy with endometrosis?

Yes, there is still a chance to conceive while being diagnosed with endimetriousis. The only problem is.... It makes it very rare and difficult. SEE A DOCTOR FOR MORE INFO!!!:)