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No, actually one of the largest populations of people with this type of mental condition is currently in correctional facilities in the US.

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Q: Does having bipolar disorder keep a person from being in jail?
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Why does a person react with a bipolar disorder when they get romanticlly involved with someone they enjoy being with?

because they love them

this person is worried and trying to know if being bipolar is hereditary.?

Their is a genetic component to bipolar and other mental disorders that does run in families. While a history of bipolar disorder is a red flag, it does not automatically follow that it will pass from one generation to the next. it is quite possible for a person to be bipolar without any family history of the disorder.

Is a Bipolar disorder and being the daughter of first cousins connected?

Bipolar isn't a direct consequence of being the child of first cousins. If nobody in the family has had it, it is highly unlikely that you will. However, if there is a tendency to bipolar in the family, having that from both parents does increase the risk.

Are most health freaks bipolar?

This is not within the criteria of what qualifies being diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. I have Bipolar Disorder and have known many other with the disorder. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a possible category for someone who you see as a "health freak".

How does being bipolar affect an alcoholic?

With the exception of Antisocial Personality Disorder, Bipolar Disorder is the mental illness most commonly associated with alcoholism. Over 40% of individuals with Bipolar 1 have a history of alcohol abuse.Basically, Bipolar Disorder and alcoholism tend to go hand in hand. Being Bipolar can cause increased mood swings in alcoholics.

Is bipolar disorder found on the x-linked chromosome or y-linked?

bipolar disorder is found on the x-linked chromosome. Since female has 2 pairs of X chromosome. The effect of bad gene is compensated by other pair. Hence it carries to generations without being noticed. Also it is being liked to reproductive cycle of females. Where as male has one X and One Y chromosome. Hence a faulty X has no way to compensate. So if a male has bipolar disorder it is most likely to be of bipolar disorder of type 1 (most severe). Thought data shows males have less tendency of having bipolar disorder in percentage terms.

Can you have manic depression with borderline bipolar disorder?

Yes, I have both. Diagnosed in 2008 as being manic depressive and boderline bipolar.

Can you cause someone to be bipolar?

Bipolar disorder can run in families. My mother (who is now deceased), older sister and daughter all are bipolar. It can skip generations or only one person in the family can be affected. My daughter's doctor advised that her children run a 25 percent chance of being bipolar.

Is Bipolar disorder genetic?

Yes BiPolar is genetic and it is highly likely that someone who has BiPolar has a family member with the same condition. But not always i mean someone has to be first.

Are Bipolar Disorder and Manic Depression the same thing?

Yes mania is characterized by intense mood changes, grandoisity, excess energy, and insomnia while depression is a comeplete lack of interest of things a person used to get pleasure from, a feeling of worthlessness, and a lack of energy or motivation.

What is bipolar disease and its cure?

Bipolar disorder is otherwise known as manic depression, it involves periods of a person being very very happy for a while then very very depressed, it's quite serious and there is no cure but it can be maintained with drugs like lithium, Valium, and antidepressants. Also with counselling treatments

What is the difference between oppositional defiance disorder and bipolar disorder in children?

Oppositional defiance disorder is something one grows out of unlike bipolar disorder which is permanent. Bipolar disorder is accompanied by mood swings being on top of the world one moments and in despair the next and these moods can last for weeks without signs of improvement. There are other symptoms as well that can help a parent distinguish whether or that is the case. Bipolar disorder is very difficult to live with and should be diagnosed as soon as possible. The book 'the bipolar child' will tell you what you need to know.