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If you're pregnant with a sudden leak of discharge, call your OBGYN's after hours service. If you don't get a response, go to the hospital.

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Q: Does having a sudden leak of discharge that has a slight foul smell mean you should go to the hospital If you are 35 week pregnant?
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When you talk to your doctor/nurse/hospital/etc. tonighton the phone, they can tell you if you should worry.

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You should go to the hospital or call your doctor instead of asking us.

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Thick white discharge neither guarantees nor rules out pregnancy. Technically, yes, you could be pregnant if you have thick white discharge, but having this discharge does not make you pregnant. Many women have thick white discharge, but if you are concerned you should try a pregnancy test and/or consult your OBGYN.

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No. Sounds like an STD. You should never, ever discharge green, or even slightly green. You may still be pregnant, but that is not a sign of it.

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It can happen but if you start cramping, having a lot of discharge, bleeding, or passing clots you should call your Dr or go to the ER right away.

Should you have discharge when pregnant?

Yes, it is called leukorhhea.

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none some pregnant girls have infections during pregnancy. Usually if you have discharge while pregnant you just gets loads more of it that is all.

What does it mean when you are 37 weeks pregnant and having hard contractions with a lot of discharge?

Call your doctor. I consider this a emergency question and those should not be asked on WA.

Should i be having green snotty vaginal discharge at 35 weeks pregnant?

I had the same sort of discharge,whilst pregnant,i went to the doctors,had some swabs done,found out it was Strep B,i would advise you to vist your doctors and have some tests,just to be on the safe side,good luck with everything.

Would discharge change in colour if you were pregnant?

It can do, but this should not be taken as an indication of pregnancy.

Is brown discharge from the breasts normal when not pregnant?

No, you should probably see your doctor.

I have been spotting for a week very light brown discharge very sore breasts and cramps but no period what are the possibilities?

Have you been having sex? You could be pregnant. If your period is late, you should test.