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Your hair has a cycle where it grows normally all day long and then it will shed after a few years. The follicle won't do any thing for about a week or two and when the hair will start to grow again. This is the same for everybody but each persons cycle is different. This is why some people can grow their hair up to the floor while others can only grow it up to their backs.

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Q: Does hair grow faster when you are awake or asleep?
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Why does head hair grow faster?

Your hair mostly grows faster by you sleeping. By sleeping your body sleeps as well, which your hair can then grow. Your hair cannot grow when your awake, but your body mostly grows when your asleep. So that's all I can give you.

Does hair grow faster at night?

Hair actually grows slower while you are asleep then when you are awake because your heart rate slows and most of your body almost goes into a shut down mode so the more your awake the faster your hair is going to grow

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Hair will grow faster if you trim the ends.

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It doesn make a difference if you are awake or not.

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yes a hair treatment does causes hair to grow faster and fill in

How can i make a child's hair grow?

The child's hair should grow faster if you trim it but you can't make it grow faster

How do you make your hair grow faster without cutting it?

you can't make your hair grow faster just let it grow

Do nails grow faster than hair?

No,hair grows faster.

How do you make your hair grow faster without eating food?

There are available hair products now to grow your hair faster. You can buy and apply it to your hair.

How do you make uneven hair grow even and faster?

There is no way to make hair grow faster or even. Hair growth is determined by the hair follicle.

When does hair mostly grow?

Hair tends to grow faster in the winter

Does hair grow faster of you cut it?

It doesn't necessarily grow faster, but it does grow healthier. Instead of growing dead ends, its grow stronger hair.