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Yes, it is proofed by scientists, if you eat 1 per day it increases your death ratio, so 3 per day will bring out 300 days out of your life.

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Q: Does gum give cancer
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Does stride gum give you cancer?


Does 5 gum cause cancer?

well what I have heard it can give you cancer that is if you eat a lot of it at a time but it is FDA approved if you chew a peice at a time

Can cats get gum cancer?

Well cats can get gum diesese.

Why does gum give people cavities?


Can smoking weed turn your brain green?

NO! But it can give you lung and gum cancer...and of cource stain your teeth. - Miss. Chanel

What the form of cancer that attacks the mouth?

Gum cancer. AJ

What can make gum disease worse?

gum can cause lung cancer

Can chewing one piece of gum give you cancer?

A) We don't tend to 'eat' chewing gum, we generally just chew it and then dispose of it. B) Smoking affects you - seriously - no matter what else you may be doing. I don't think that the dangers you face from smoking are lessened, or increased, by chewing gum at the same time. If the gum is a Nicotine Gum, as used by people trying to quit smoking, then you are increasing the dosage of nicotine that your body is getting. Nicotine is highly poisonous.

What dip can do to you?

Dip, or snuff, can cause mouth, throat, and gum cancer. It can also slowly erode your gum line.

How do you get the gum in big nate poptropica?

you need to finish the comic give it to the guy an he will give you gum

Where to get the gum on big nates?

Get all the comic pieces, give it to the comic guy, then he'll give you gum.

Were do get the gum from big nate?

find all comics and give it to the man and he well give you a bubble gum!