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SHE BRAINS_HE BRAINS bigger_stronger_faster...are there really any differences between female brains and male brains?differences between the brains of men and women have generated considerable scientific and public interest . if there are differences in the way that men and women behave, then it is reasonable to suppose that their brains have something to do these behavioral differences. just what are these differences and where in the brain migt these differences be located?

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Q: Does freezing off warts by a doctor work?
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Why can't doctors make warts go away?

Warts are the result of a latent virus, which means the virus "hides" until an external stimulus triggers it (stress, etc). Warts can be removed individually by freezing it off, cutting it off, or using chemicals against them (the doctor will do any of these for you, do not try to cut them off on your own!)

What helps prevent warts?

Washing and cleaning your skin daily. Try to keep your feet (or other appendages) from getting too humid. Wear socks and change them daily. If you have warts, a Doctor with prescribe freezing them off and antibiotics.

If self freezing warts off doesn't work what else can you do?

you can Bazooka that veruca! there are some popular products for warts which come in the form of gel which kill the skin which you then scrape off using a filer. bazooka is a good brand. usually this works if not book yourself in the docs and he will freeze it for you and cut it straight off.

Does compound w freeze off hurt for plantar warts?

It didn't work for me.

Is crystal dick curable?

yes its a form of herpies tho they are genitial warts. the only way to cure it is to freeze the warts off but its a very painful so go to the doctor a.s.a.p

How do you do you get genital warts?

AnswerThese should not be treated at home or with home remedies that can be too harsh for the tender tissue in the genital area. The best approach is to get to a gynecologist or urologist if you are a woman, or to a urologist if you are a man.A doctor will need to remove need some cream called bozzoca that vorica that gets rid of voricas and wartssee your doctor asapYou can't get rid of the virus but you can have the warts removed.Go to the doctor is the only way.To eliminate the warts there are 2 options; cryotherapy (freeze them off) or have them surgically removed. For pain and itching relief, check for ointments from your local pharmacy or get a script from your doctor for something more potent.Go to the doctor and get medication. Also, ask questions-- genital warts never really go away. You must learn how this STD spreads and be educated about how to protect your sexual partners.There isn't a cure for genital warts so you can't permanently get rid of it. You can get them removed by a doctor and they can be managed with treatment.You will have to go to a doctor to get them removed.Go to the related link (Genital Warts) belowGenerally the warts will need to be removed surgically (various methods).USE TOOTHPASTE IT WORKSAnswerYou can have them removed but they the virus can not be removed from your system. A doctor can freeze them off. ANSWERYou can try Zerowarts cream if you prefer easy and comfortable treatment at home. Other home remedies are ACV, which is equally effective, castor oil, tea tree oil, etc. You can also go and see a doctor and he'll have it frozen off or eliminated by laser.You cannot permanently get rid of genital warts...The only way to remove the warts, especially if they become a problem is to have them either frozen off, cut off by a laser, or simply have them use a super heated wire and have the surgeons go through the warts like a hot knife through butter. After doing that...they will come back after a certain amount of time.Usually the warts are surgically removed.

Is the name off Andrea can be a doctor?

Being a doctor is a dignified work

Can you catch plantar warts?

there are wart removers. or u can go tote doctors and they can do the thing where they frezze it and it just falls off

How do you remove verucca?

veruccae, or warts, can be treated by cryosurgery (freezing them off) or by applying a salacylic acid based creams.

What do you put on that removes warts?

you have to freeze it off.

How long does it take for a wart to fall off after the doctor burns it?

After you have had freezing treatment to a wart, it should fall off within 2 weeks. If the wart does not fall off by itself in 2 weeks, then you should visit your doctor so he/she can remove it for you.

Is it normal for a plantar wart to peel off?

No. You must be alienized. Go back to Mars, they peel off their plantars warts, you sicko. just kidding.... yes it is normal. I had them before & they kind of peeled off, but I had to get them removed by a doctor through surgery.