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Well, if you burn everyone who is inflicted by the plague, then it would work

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Q: Does fire help stopping the plague?
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What happened to London after the plague?

The Great Fire of London occurred Which in all probability help to wipe out the remaining infestations of the plague.

How did the great fire of London help solve problems?

One problem that it sort of solved was the problem of plague because the fire sterilised parts of London by killing some of the plague spreading pathogens, rats and fleas.

What happened after the plague?

The great fire of London happened after the plague in 1666.

How did the great fire of London help the plague?

It helped to get rid of the plague, in many ways including killing a lot of rats. However the plague had died down, by the winter of 1665, meaning that although it helped get rid of the plague for good the plague had already died down by the time of the fire.

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The Bubonic Plague that afflicted London from 1665 was ended by the Great Fire of London in 1666.

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The great fire of London happened after the plague in 1666

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The plague ceased when the great fire of London happened and finnished the epidemic in the UK by the fire killing the rats and fleas

Did the London fire stop the plague?

no because the plague with not killing so many people

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A finer imagination, certainly.

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