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No not necessarily however they all suffer to some extent of emphysema blood vessel damage and will definitely have their health effected to a lesser or greater degree.

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Q: Does everyone who smokes for a long long time get cancer eventually?
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What are the causes of laryngeal cancer?

The development of dysplasia is strongly linked to life-long habits of smoking and heavy use of alcohol. The more a person smokes, the greater the risk of developing laryngeal cancer.

Long term effects of marijuana use?

Answer People who have been using pot for a long time get brown circles under their eyes for one. Secondly they get grumpy when they don't have their daily joints and don't let anyone ever tell you it's not addictive, as it is very addictive. They soon develope a harsh cough which is dry and while it's not a proven fact depending on how the person smokes it, but it can be a cause for Cancer as pot smokes hot, and people who smoke it long term could get Cancer of the mouth or lips.

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Popular belief is that all men will eventually get prostate cancer, if they live long enough. Why some get it sooner than others is simply a matter of genetics.

Can doctors predict death of smokers?

Yes. They could observe how many packs of cigarettes a smoker smokes each day. Then, they could find out how long until lung cancer takes over and kills the smoker.

Does Nia Long smoke cigarettes?

No she smokes cigars

Can you get lung cancer from smoking once?

Yes, you can get cancer from simply one inhale of a cigarette. Everyone has the gene that causes cancer, but not everyone's gene becomes active. Some peoples cancerous gene can trigger automatically from never smoking or living in a smokers house. All it takes is your body to trigger the gene and make it cancerous and active for you to then have cancer. So trying a cigarette for a first time or smoking for 50 years. It doesn't matter if when why or how long, anyone can get cancer.

What were the long term affects to the soilders to orange agent?

The long term effects were not only on the soldiers but their children as well! And I'm living proof. Many of the soldiers suffered from post traumatic stress and other conditions such as soft tissue sarcoma, non Hodgkins lymphoma, leukemia,prostate cancer, spinal bifida and MANY more diseases! My dad was exposed to it and as a result all my siblings and I have birth defects. I hope this answers your question.AnswerThe four year, $43 million study was canceled, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, because it could not accurately determine which veterans were exposed to the herbicide used to destroy vegetation in Viet

Does the cancer lump burst at last stages?

There are many different types of breast cancer and different ways and speeds in which they spresd. A breast cancer does not "burst" as such but if left without treatment it will eventually ulcerate and spread throughout all the surrounding tissue. If left too long it can affect the skin and will look like a scab or mole. If left even longer, the area will eventually simply rot. There is a possibility that when a cancer is removed, if the outer margins are too close to the surgical excision, the cancer cells will spread to the surrounding tissue.

How long does HPV take to turn into cervical cancer?

HPV infects the squamous (surface) cells of the cervix. It begins as a low grade lesion, progressing to a high grade, microinvasive, and eventually an invasive cancerous lesion.

Does nail polish remover cause cancer?

Nail polish remover contains chemicals like acetone and formaldehyde, which are known to be toxic and potentially carcinogenic if exposed to in high levels over a long period of time. However, occasional use of nail polish remover is considered safe, but it is important to use it in a well-ventilated area and avoid prolonged or excessive exposure.

What happens to you after smoking too long?

You get rotten teeth, bad breathe, BAD lungs, and you have a higher risk of getting cancer. I would advise to not smoke. It will eventually lead to death.

How long does it take for you to feel marijuana?

It depends on the kind you smoke, on the person that smokes it, and how. Meaning it varies..