

Best Answer

Yes, usually a person will have a quantity of two dimples. The dimples are primarily located on the polar occupalis region of the face. The evolutionary purpose of dimples is to make the person look younger (which is a sign of asymmetric fertility.)

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Q: Does everyone have to have a dimple on their face?
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Aren't you thinking of "dimple"?

What is a sentence for dimple?

Golf balls were dimpled as the dimples was found to cause the golf balls to go further and be more accurate than undimpled golf balls.

Why do you only have one dimple?

You only have a dimple because of a difference in size in the muscle in your cheeks and face isn't alawyas symmetrical so there may be a diverse size on either side or your cheek it's not something bad it may also be genetic, if one of your parents is missing a dimple it's possible you carried on that trait!

What is the birth name of Dimple Kapadia?

Dimple Kapadia's birth name is Dimple Chunnibhai Kapadia.

How long do you keep dimple piercings in for?

I'm assuming you want the piercing to create dimples? Its pretty much impossible to give you definitive answer. Everyone heals differently. Some people form dimple-like scars, and others dont. Dimple piercings are notoriously difficult to heal during the first few months, so just be aware of that :)

What do dimple piercings look like without jewllery?

you mean like when theyre taken out? my friend had them and decided she didnt want them anymore & there are two holes on her face. i think dimple piercings are ugly. but that's just me, i have my nose and soon tongue

What is the name of the hole in cheek when you laugh?

Dimple . I think that's what you meant.

How does a dimple implant compare to a real dimple?

I dont no

Are dimple a sign of retardation?

No a dimple is not a sign of retardation.

What is the genotype of a man if he has a dimple and his wife and son has no dimple?


When was One Dimple created?

One Dimple was created in 2005.